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She didn't have any idea.

Any idea that a person could put a smile on her face even in his absence.

Curling her hair and looking in the mirror. .she could see the giddy and glorious smile on the girl's face. A faraway look in her emerald eyes . The girl seemed like she was walking around in a dream with awe.

A beautiful , breath taking dream.

Letting go of the bouncy curl, she took another strand in the curler and kept on curling . .while trying not to burn her fingers by day dreaming. .

But the truth was . .she wanted to keep living in yesterday.

Keep re imagining every scene, every jolt of electricity, every smile of his-everything.

At night she lay awake, her heart happily reproducing all the images . .reminding her of every moment.

The touch of his hand.

His knee pressed up against hers.

That hug.


He hugged her twice.

Closing her eyes, she was floating high above the stars. May be that's why girls were usually labelled as dumb and gullible when it came to lo-liking someone because let's face it , if a girl likes a guy . .she keeps thinking of him back to back until all she could think about is him . And she names the overthinking about a certain guy as love when really all a teenage girl just wants is to be admired and be told she's beautiful . . .

But then again girls tied their hopes from teenage boys, who were usually after sex and a girl on the other hand always have jumbled up emotions ,mixing love with hormones.

Really now, Gloria often wondered. No girl should emotionally ruin herself for a bloody teenage boy. What is a teenage boy? He is barely in tuned with his own emotions let alone a girl's needs?

Needs don't have to be sexual only.

Appreciation too was a need, at least it was for her.

Growth too was a need. She wanted to grow as a person with who she fell for.

Telling her she was "sexy" or had a "banging body" was not something she was looking forward to hear. .may be she was? But not now. Definitely not now.

She had to be damn sure.

Damn sure before she could take the leap of faith.

Oh no, she was not going to let anyone play with her heart or use her feelings against her.

Too many a times, she had heard terrible stories about girl's feelings being used to get some action, that was called emotional blackmailing. Some stories really chilled her to the bones .

Teenage hormonal boys were the scariest creatures on earth but then Logan. .

How come he was at a different tangent?

Why did she always feel emotionally and physically safe with him?

She had never gotten that feeling from any guy .

She never felt like taking her guards up around Logan. In fact she felt like she could be whatever she wanna be with him around.

Well, one thing was for sure . .

She was not a dumb girl anyone could use. In the name of love.

She will not crumble her walls of dignity for anyone. She would not give that kind of power to anyone, not even Logan.

Happily Ever After (Boys From Hell #2)Where stories live. Discover now