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She had a dopey smile.

A book P.S I Love You laid on her chest as she stared up at the chandelier, the bright lights illuminated like her heart.

From the last one hour, all she was doing was imagine and re imagine how it felt like when he caught her wrist. .now she wished she was more awake at that moment and noted down everything but she was so tangled up in her emotions that she didn't realize what just happen. .

Well, she did feel the tiny currents when he held her.

Stars exploding under her skin.

She got starstruck.

Did he feel that too?

Or was it only her?


Her poor heart; it kept seeing and wondering. .conjuring up worlds for her to believe in and live in. She was forever doomed to be a hopeless romantic! But really romantic people never lost hope, in a bleak world like this one needed hope to survive and people of her troupe lived on and for happy endings.

How beautiful it was to see two souls coming together! Making a universe of their own! The magic , the madness , the love!

She couldn't help but be die hard romance addict.

It just was printed in her DNA.

She lifted her wrist, looking at it and seeing it being touched by him. .all in her head.

If his touch could make her feel like this. .what would his kiss be like ?


Today she looked like a girl on a mission!

Pink glossy shirt with the Gucci logo on and how cool were the floral printed pants though? Pairing it with her favorite earrings, . .she looked expensive and yet laid back.

A middle road.

She took the middle road today and didn't went over the top because she didn't want to make him think she was desperate to impress him.

How every girl tries to impress the man of her heart. .so it mustn't be a crime if she tried too?

With all her might!


The binoculars she had , quickly zoomed in on him.

Damn him for looking so devilishly handosme and effortless!

Grey long sleeved T-shirt bringing out his eyes even more today and black pants that outlined his powerful thighs. .he was walking leisurely towards the building.

She frowned, why did he hid his tattoo?

He should put it on display!

At least that's what all the bad boys did in teen-fic books!

Hmmm, looks like he didn't want to own that part of himself, she thought.

Putting her binoculars down, she glanced around quickly just to see if her hiding spot was really hiding her or not?

And yes no one was looking her way.

Students were walking towards the school, boredom on their faces, some stuck on their cellphones.

Good for her!

The bushes were doing their job.

She had never spied on a boy but he wasn't just a boy. He was her boy.

Happily Ever After (Boys From Hell #2)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz