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She was avoiding him.

When the day got over, she sped up to her car and jumped in as if the hell hounds were after her.

People did cast her curious glances but no one had the guts to ask her anything.

She didn't dare look back , starting the engine . .her heel pressed hard on the accelerator and her convertible zoomed passed everyone , dust settling in on every face.

Thank God for this car!

As the car went out of the school building, she breathed in relief. Turning the speed to normal , she leaned against the seat. .her golden locks flying around. .the wind was doing wonders for her hair. .not!

God she was so close.

She was so close to meeting him, a guy who ruined a life.

She would have given him the benefit of doubt but really what was the point now? She had an alibi! Luke . .he was that girl's brother!

Grimacing, she could still recall the pain mixed with embarrassment on his face. It must have taken every ounce of courage to say those words . To actually acknowledge the fact that her sister-

God damn Logan!

Turning the car smoothly around the corner, she gritted her teeth, her grip on steering wheel tightening.

Guess he considered himself some hot shot who could get away with murder! Yes, she was going to call that a murder!

Ruining a girl's life was like committing murder!

How did he get away with it?

They should have pressed charges against him! Put him in jail!

Hurt and anger settled in her heart, flaming down the feelings . .the weird thing in her heart which always came to life when he was around or whenever he was incoming. . .

Even if she met him, just what was he going to spill into her mind? Vicious lies ! Painting the i-am-the-victim image. .yeah right!

Guess he had no idea who she was.


Turning on her MAC , she tapped on Facebook and searched for his profile.

They had been talking almost every night ! Every night she looked forward to just laying in bed and messaging him. Some messaged would crack her up and she would laugh . . and now she just felt played with.

He played with her feelings. .every night. Trying to jump over her walls. Making her weaken up her guard.

Also.. .

Which troupe did he belong to?

Make her get addicted to you and then boom! show her your true self bit by bit. .she would get so attached to you that she wouldn't mind all the red flags.

She wouldn't know what hit her.

How did I fall for that?, She asked herself. . feeling down.

She expected better than that from herself. Didn't she read about guys like that and while reading the book she would pfft at the heroine for being so stupid to fall for an obvious douchebag.

And look at her now. . .

She was the same heroine, running to a guy who ruined someone's life , who had a sextape probably everyone had seen .

Stupid! So stupid!

Her imaginations got the better of her! What did she expect? He was going to be her Prince charming? Have all the perfect traits? Be a gentleman?

Happily Ever After (Boys From Hell #2)Where stories live. Discover now