Part 13

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"Go, put your swimsuit on." Lauren ordered Stevie, who was about to disagree. "It's a vacation, Stevie! It's hot and sunny, and that pool? We're getting in!"

"I was going to lie down for a bit." Stevie sighed, her hands on her hips. 

"Since when are you such an old lady, who needs to lie down after a drive?" Lauren chuckled, laying a hand on Stevie's shoulder. "Come on. Did you pack the red bikini?"

Lindsey had just walked in through the door, carrying the rest of his and Lauren's things. He groaned involuntarily. He wanted to, but he didn't need to see Stevie in a red bikini out of all things.

"Are you going to join us, baby?" Lauren looked over at Lindsey.

"Uh, a bit later. I have some phone calls to make first."

"But you said, you wouldn't have to work." She sashayed over to him and loosely wrapped her arms around his neck. 

"I won't take long. I won't touch my phone for the rest of our stay, I promise." 

"Fine." Lauren sighed and tightened her hold on Lindsey, hugging him for a moment.

Lindsey's eyes settled on Stevie, who stared back at him. He mouthed, I'm sorry, and she turned away from him and climbed up the stairs, headed to her room.

The two women were soon lying on the loungers out by the pool, while Lindsey stayed behind, in what was going to be his and Lauren's room for the upcoming several days. He took his phone from his back pocket and sat down on the bed. 

"Garry, hi." Lindsey said as soon as the man picked up. "I got your message."

"Yeah, hi. Took you a while."

"I was driving, sorry." Lindsey lay down on his back and stared up at the ceiling. "What did you want to talk about?"

"Well, I looked through the file you have left for me, I checked some things out."

"Did you find anything?

"Not really, no." Greg took a long drag of his cigarette, before he continued. "I followed Mr. Lynwood around for a bit. I stayed outside his office, he took a drive to meet up with someone at a fairly public place. I didn't recognize the other person, he's not in your file."

"So, you have nothing." Lindsey sighed, rubbing his eyes. 

"After the two parted ways, Mr. Lynwood came up to my car."

Lindsey frowned and sat up. "What do you mean?"

"He did. He knocked on my window and told me to stand back." Greg blew out the smoke and sipped on something. "Then walked away."

"You've given yourself away?" Lindsey asked, raising his voice. 

"I think, you know me better than that, Lindsey."

"Then how did he know, you're after him?"

"I don't know that. He's a scary man, Lindsey." Greg stated in his usual calm manner. "Next time, I'm the one, seducing the hot daughter."

"That's not good." Lindsey leaned forward and ran his hand through his hair. 

"What do you want me to do next?"

Thinking for a moment, Lindsey replied. "Nothing. Keep searching for more info, but don't go on any stakeouts."

The news weren't the kind Lindsey had expected and he tensed up. He went into the bathroom to splash some water on his face, before he changed out of his clothes and put on his swim trunks. Swimming had always been one of his passions and his biggest stress reliever.

When Lindsey came out, he found Lauren soaking up the sun, while Stevie was doing slow laps in the pool. Now he really wanted to see her in that bikini.

"Are you all done?" Lauren reached for his hand and Lindsey unwillingly shifted his gaze away from Stevie. 

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm done." He forced a smile and stretched a bit on the spot. 

"Is everything okay?" She asked, propping herself up on her elbow, she shielded the sunlight with her other hand. 

"Everything's alright." Lindsey confirmed with a nod of his head. "I hope, Stevie won't mind if I join her."

"Oh no, of course not. You go ahead, I'm enjoying myself here." Lauren lay back down and closed her eyes.

Stevie stayed at the end of the pool as she watched Lindsey coming towards her. He gracefully dived in head first, almost making no splash of the water. He reemerged now a lot closer to Stevie and wiped his face.

"Having trouble keeping your head above water?" Lindsey smirked. "Need some help?"

"Lindsey... we agreed to stay away from each other." Stevie warned him, although, she wondered if that was possible. 

He swam in circles around her, having checked that Lauren still remained facing the sun. Lindsey stopped and turned towards Lauren, who stood up, calling their names. 

"Do you think it's too early to start drinking?" She didn't wait for a response and answered her own question. "I'm going to make a pitcher of margaritas." 

Once they were left alone, Lindsey carelessly swam up closer to Stevie and placed his hands on her hips, guessing Lauren couldn't see them. "It's torture, being unable to touch you, kiss you. I wish we were the only two here. We wouldn't be talking right now."

"Don't be stupid, Lindsey." Stevie pulled away from him, making some distance. "We can get caught so easily."

"I know." He sighed heavily and followed her out of the water. 

Small droplets rolled down her body and Lindsey couldn't look away. His eyes were glued to her ass as she walked in front of him and he couldn't decided, what he wanted to do more; give it a slap or sink his teeth into her flesh. Stevie turned around, knowing he was looking. Lindsey smiled and shrugged his shoulders, now taking in her appearance from the front. 

"Is it the water or are you happy to see me?" Lindsey joked, looking at her breasts, barely covered by her bikini top. 

"Stop that." Stevie told him again, but a small smile broke through anyway.

Lauren returned shortly, carrying a cocktail for herself, she handed one to Stevie as well. "I don't think, this is your choice of drink, Lindsey. Help yourself to whatever."

"I will." He nodded and passed by her into the house. 

Lindsey walked into the kitchen to look through his options. He only then realized, which way the window was facing. His eyes settled on Stevie and Lauren. Idiot, he muttered to himself. He had to be more careful.

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