Part 5

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Lauren saw it as a perfect opportunity. While she waited for Lindsey to return, she got ready for him, absolutely sure he wasn't going to say no to her again. She had never been in that kind of situation before. She was used to being the one, who made a man wait. She started wondering if he maybe had some sort of condition, which he was too embarrassed to talk about. If that were true, it might lead to an awkward conversation. What if Lindsey truly had a valid reason, such as he was just being a nice guy? 

Suddenly, Lauren wasn't so sure, she wanted to lure Lindsey into her bed. As she got up to put on some clothes over her sexy lingerie, the doorbell signaled Lindsey's return. She cursed, managing to put on a robe, before she let him in.

"Were you getting for bed?" Lindsey asked, noticing the lack of clothes.

"Uh, you could say that." Lauren nodded, realizing she had reapplied her makeup, her lips were a dark shade of red.

"I didn't know you wore lipstick to bed." He raised an eyebrow at her, making her chuckle nervously. 

"Well, I sort of thought that maybe... you know..." Lauren faked a cough, running a hand through her dark brown hair. "That tonight could be the night."

"The night?" Lindsey repeated, totally oblivious. Sex with anyone but Stevie was not on his mind right now. "Oh, the night..."

"Yeah." Lauren nodded, hugging herself around the middle.

They went to sit in the living room and both remained silent. Lauren felt slightly embarrassed and Lindsey still felt the sting of Stevie's hand connecting with the side of his face. More than anything else, he wanted to talk to her.

"I don't really understand, what's the rush?" Lindsey said, stretching out his legs, he sat hunched over. 

"And I don't get, why you don't want to have sex with me." Lauren replied, sounding calm. "Aren't you attracted to me?"

"Of course, I am. You're gorgeous, Lauren."

"Then what?" She asked impatiently. 

Lindsey moved over closer to her and hugged her around the shoulders. "I just don't want you to think that's the only thing I want from you."

"I'd say you've already proved that to me, Lindsey."

Kissing her hair, Lindsey gave her a gentle squeeze. "I really do think you're amazing."

"You're so sweet." Lauren smiled weakly, turning her head to face him.

Lindsey half expected her to drop it, but instead, Lauren tilted her head to one side and kissed him. He couldn't stop himself from comparing her to Stevie. He realized, how fucked up their situation was, but he couldn't change, how he felt. 

The kiss began to escalate. Because Lindsey didn't push her away, Lauren maneuvered herself into his lap. Her lips seemed to be everywhere at once as were her hands. Lindsey couldn't fight being a man and everything she was doing, was working. 

Lauren feared risking it, so she didn't bother walking them to her bedroom. Unceremoniously, she unzipped his jeans and pulled them down around his ankles. She discarded the lower half of her lingerie set and got on top of him again. Sure, there were times, when he enjoyed getting right down to business, but Lindsey was the kind of man, who liked foreplay, he liked teasing, most of the time, he wanted to get himself and his partner right on the edge. He just sort of sat there, while she did all the work. Quickly, monotonously she slid up and down on him, which seemed to be doing the trick for her. Unlike for him. Lindsey flipped them over and lay her down on her back in order to finish himself off too.

"That was... that was fantastic." Lauren sighed, satisfied as she lay on the couch, wiping the sweat off her forehead. 

"Uh, yeah." Lindsey didn't know, what else to say. He usually did a better job by himself. "See, there was no problem." He forced a smile, reaching for her robe, so she could cover herself up. 

"I'm sorry. I was being silly." Lauren smiled shyly. "Are you staying the night?"

"I'd love to, but I don't have a change of clothes and I have an early morning." That wasn't a complete lie, but the truth was, he really didn't want to stay.

"Oh, okay." Lindsey was already back on his feet and Lauren got up to see him out. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"What's tomorrow?"

"The art exhibit that you promised to go to with me?"

It had completely escaped his mind. "Right. Yeah, I'll see you." Lindsey nodded and gave Lauren a chaste kiss, before rushing out the door.

One Night OnlyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz