Part 29

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"I'm sorry, I'm being weird." Jane sighed, sitting across Stevie in her kitchen. "But this whole situation is weird."

"You're not, I understand." Stevie reached for Jane's hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. "I get that you're stuck in between two of your best friends. I'll fully understand if you choose to side with Lauren. I just wanted to talk to you, to tell you my side of the story."

"It's not about choosing sides." Jane shook her head, taking a sip from her cup. "It's strange to think that most likely we'll never get to sit down together again, the three of us, you know."

"Never say never." Stevie shrugged, although, she wasn't all that hopeful. "I've wanted to call Lauren many times over the last two weeks, but I don't think, I should bother her just yet. Do you know, how she's doing?"

"Well, you know her." Jane rolled her eyes, sitting back against the chair. "She's fine." She said, using air quotes. "Lauren will go on, pretending, until she has a breakdown."

"Of which I'll be the reason."

"Not so much you as Lindsey, I'd say." Jane shrugged. "He was committed to her, he chose to cheat on her."

Stevie couldn't tell the whole truth to Jane, so she kept quiet about their relationship. "Still. I should have backed off, when I found out."

"That you should have." Jane agreed, but she didn't sound judgmental. "Maybe they weren't the right fit for each other, maybe he's the love of your life. Nobody can be certain and say that Lauren and Lindsey wouldn't have broken up some time in the future even without you in their way."

"I can't say that they couldn't have been happy together either." Stevie said, breathing out heavily. "I kept telling myself that it was just physical, until Tom said something to me."

"My Tom?" Jane asked, somewhat surprised. 

"Your Tom." Stevie nodded. "When we went away for the weekend, Lindsey told me, he was falling in love with me. Everybody had gone to bed and I stayed outside by myself. Tom came out for a c- for some fresh air and we started talking, I told him. He said, that I only had to be honest with myself. That's what allowed me to feel, you know. I couldn't pretend that seeing Lindsey and Lauren together didn't hurt me, I couldn't pretend that I didn't want to be able to be seen with him."

"Tom actually said those words?" Jane frowned. "He's the sweetest, isn't he?"

"He's quite alright." Stevie smiled. "Hang on to him, don't scare him away."

"I would never-" Jane began, then stopped, hearing the door to Stevie's apartment being unlocked. She gave her a look. "Who's that?"

"It's Lindsey." Stevie replied, looking away as if she was ashamed for some reason. "He's got a key."

"I guess, I'll better get going then." Jane rose to her feet and Stevie moved to follow her.

"You don't have to leave, because he's here, Jane."

"No, I know. Just... I need some time, too."

Stevie understood and accompanied Jane to the door, where Lindsey had just come through and was slightly taken aback, coming face to face with her.

"Oh, uh, hi." He said.

"Hello." Jane gave him a small nod of her head. "Don't be a stranger, okay?" She turned to Stevie and gave her a hug. "I want to know, how the little one's doing at all times."

"I'll keep you updated." Stevie smiled as the two women exchanged kisses. 

"Is everything alright with you two?" Lindsey asked, giving Stevie a kiss, once they were left alone.

"I think, it will be." She nodded. "What's that?" Stevie asked, seeing a package in Lindsey's hands.

"Oh, right. I don't know." He shrugged. "It was left at your door."

Taking the small box from Lindsey, Stevie turned it over in her hands. No sender, no address. She gulped, having a pretty good idea, who the package was from.

"Are you hungry?" Stevie changed the subject, steering Lindsey's mind away from what might be inside. 

"No, but I have to get to the bathroom in the next five seconds."

Stevie chuckled, her eyes settled on Lindsey's back as he rushed to the bathroom. Her smile faded and she went to look for a pair of scissors. She ripped the package open and found a smaller, velvet gift box inside. She slowly opened it and revealed a gorgeous, she guessed, diamond bracelet. A small folded piece of paper was under it. 

"I'd love it if you wore it the next time I come around,


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