Part 12

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Stevie overslept. She didn't hear her alarm go off, which meant, she had to rush in order to get ready. She didn't understand, why it was so important to leave for the vacation house first thing in the morning anyway. She checked the time and cursed, realizing that Jane and her male companion were coming to pick her up in about thirty minutes. Stevie dried her hair with a towel with one hand, brushing her teeth with the other. She had an outfit in mind, but she couldn't find the sundress she wanted to wear. At least, her bags were packed. Moving over to her closet, Stevie quickly looked through her other options and picked a crop top with and a long flowing skirt. 

Stevie ran into the kitchen to finish her coffee, when her phone started ringing. "I'll be out in a second, Jane."

"It's Lauren." The other woman laughed lightly on the other end of the line. Stevie looked at her phone screen to find that it was indeed Lauren calling. "Listen, Jane called and told me that they're running late. Lindsey and I have just left, so we'll pick you up instead, okay?"

There was no reason Stevie could think of to say no. "Sure, I guess."

"Alright. I'll tell Lindsey, where to find you, and he'll come upstairs to help you with your things."

"That's really not neces-"

"It's fine. He says, it's no problem." Lauren interrupted. "Expect us in about ten minutes."

Tossing her phone away, Stevie took a seat, she needed a minute. She wasn't prepared to see Lindsey so soon, a couple of hours were meant to still be separating them. Stevie had a glimmer of hope a couple of weeks back, when she was unable to get time off work, thinking that maybe, their getaway would get cancelled altogether. It wasn't that she didn't want to go, she wanted to, but she didn't look forward to seeing Lindsey with Lauren. She wanted to spend time with him more often than not lately. The last couple of evenings they had spent together, were more about actually being together than anything else.

The doorbell brought Stevie back to the present. She rose to her feet and went to let Lindsey in. Her momentary sadness vanished and she gave him a sincere smile, when his arms wrapped around her.

"Missed you." Lindsey said, kissing her on the cheek. "You look beautiful."

"Thank you." Stevie drew back, but he held her at arm's length, not letting her go completely. 

They knew, they didn't have a lot of time, but the pull was too strong to resist it and they met each other halfway in a needy kiss. 

"Good thing I'm not wearing lipstick." Stevie spoke up as she hugged him close again. 

"Yeah." Lindsey nodded, laughing lightly. "Are you okay?" He asked, the expression on her face concerned him.

"Fine." She waved it off and freed herself from his arms. "Right. Take this big one." Stevie showed to her packed bag. "I can carry this." She took the other one and her purse. 

Neither of the two said a word, while they made the short journey from Stevie's apartment to Lindsey's car. They kept some distance between them and Lauren was none the wiser as she jumped out and gave Stevie a hug.


"Hi." Stevie smiled as she rather quickly pulled back, hoping that her own perfume would overpower Lindsey's.

Lindsey put Stevie's bags into the trunk and slammed it shut, before going to get in behind the wheel. Stevie sat in the backseat, her sunglasses already resting comfortably, hiding her eyes and the lack of excitement in them. 

"You ladies, ready?" Lindsey asked, glancing at Lauren then at Stevie.

"Yes!" Lauren beamed, turning on the radio, while Stevie shrunk in her seat and looked out the window, her lips sealed.

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