Part 8

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"I've got something of yours."

Stevie had reopened the same text from Lindsey about 15 times now. She didn't want to engage, she asked him to leave her alone and she hoped he would. Her work day had ended, she was at home, in a pair of denim shorts and a white tank top, her hair up in a ponytail as she sat in front of the TV, her phone held firmly in her hand. Under different circumstances, she would have texted him back right away, she wouldn't have been so hostile during their supposed lunch meeting.


One word. Stevie didn't want to make Lindsey believe that she was interested in talking to him. His response came about a minute later.

"You left your bracelet that night. I'd like to give it back to you."

Stevie hadn't realized, she was missing it, when she walked out of Lindsey's apartment. She wished the bracelet was cheap, she wished she didn't care about it, but she did. It was a gift from her mother on her 30th birthday a couple of years ago. 

Against her better judgement, Stevie typed back a reply. "Fine. But I'm not coming over to see you."

"Give me your address."

Even though Lindsey had driven her home, he didn't know exactly, which floor she lived on or the number of her apartment. When Stevie hit send again, she tossed her phone away and exhaled heavily as she cocked her head back. She guessed that he was most likely going to use the opportunity to talk to her again.

Lindsey showed up relatively shortly after he'd received Stevie's message. They were both just staring at each other, when she opened the door for him. He hadn't seen her dressed down before and he thought she looked beautiful. Her face appeared softer without all the make up.

"Where's my bracelet?" Stevie asked, without saying, hello, first.

Lindsey took it out of his pocket and held it out for her, but he lifted his hand up as she tried to snatch it. "Can I come on?"

"No, you can't come in." She shook her head, her fists clenched at her sides as she glared at him. "If you're going to be an asshole about this, I want you to leave."

Lindsey gulped, looking at such a tiny yet frightening person. At the risk of getting slapped again, he decided to try a different approach. Clearly, they worked better without words. He was just a step away from being inside Stevie's apartment. Lindsey knew he had to act fast, before she slammed the door in his face. Closing the small gap between them, he walked in and closed the door. His arm slid around her waist and he pulled her in closer. 

"What the hell do you think-"

That was as far as Stevie got, before Lindsey pressed their lips together, silencing her like he did in his car days ago. However, this time he wasn't going to let her go so easily. Keeping her head in place with his other hand, Lindsey tried his hardest to pry her lips open. There was no denying that Stevie found him extremely attractive and after a few short seconds she gave in, her own arms locked around his neck as she allowed his tongue to slip into her mouth. 

The next thing she knew, Stevie was trapped between Lindsey and the nearest wall. She tilted her head to one side, when his lips began leaving a trail of kisses there. His one hand sneaked under her top and wandered up to her breast. She moaned, when he gave a not so gentle squeeze. He reached for the hem of her shirt and removed it completely, before his lips reached hers again. She didn't even feel, when he unbuttoned her shorts and pushed them down her legs. She was so lost in the moment, she didn't notice that he was still fully clothed. His hand reached behind her to unhook her bra, which was quickly thrown on the floor. He began kissing her neck again, moving lower until he closed his lips around her nipple, tweaking the other with two of his fingers. She didn't know, what it was about this man, but she would have let him do anything he wanted to her. Pulling back for just a moment, he discarded his own shirt and undid his jeans, which fell down in a heap along with his boxers. He shamelessly stroked himself as she watched, while his eyes remained on her face. Fully prepared, he swiftly spun her around and grabbed her hands, placing them on the wall in front of them. He then gripped her shoulder and made her bend down a little, while he pushed her legs apart with his knee. Snapping the waistband of her panties first, he then took them off as well and positioned himself against her center. 

Leaning over her body, he asked her in a whisper. "Do you still want me to leave?"

She involuntarily, pushed herself against him, his tip only very slightly penetrating her. A smirk formed on his lips and he gripped her waist, at the same time entering her fully, causing her to gasp. This was nothing close to lovemaking. This was fast, angry, animalistic even and she hated herself for it. She hated, how mind-blowingly fantastic he could make her feel.

She didn't want to face him, she couldn't force herself to look at him. She still felt his presence, she knew he was close, his breathing heavy as was hers. 

"You can't keep fighting this thing between us." Lindsey spoke up after some time as he redressed. 

Turning around, Stevie still didn't look at him as she reached for her clothes as well. "There is no thing. This is just sex."

"Oh, so now it's okay?" Lindsey scoffed, watching her pull up her panties and hook up her bra. 

"It's not okay! You barged in here and had your way with me. Nothing is okay about this." Stevie narrowed her eyes at him, turning her tank top out the right way. 

"I'm sorry, I didn't hear a single complain? Or was it, when you screamed my name, that I was supposed to get away from you?"

"I didn't scream your name, don't flatter yourself." She couldn't let him know that currently he held all the power. "Give me back my bracelet."

Lindsey didn't toy with her this time and handed her back the piece of jewelry. "Whatever you say, this-" He showed between them. "Is not over."

"This is not happening again!" Stevie protested, but Lindsey didn't reply on his way out. 

Once the door of her apartment separated them, Lindsey smiled to himself. This was most definitely happening again.

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