Part 30

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Sitting in his car a good distance away from the entrance into the building, he drummed his fingers on the steering wheel. He'd been there for some time now, but he hadn't seen her yet. He didn't know, where this obsession came from, maybe it had always been there, he just never had a chance before. He'd always liked beautiful, younger women. There had been several over the years, but his wife didn't know. If she did, she didn't say a word. But there was something about her, he'd been fantasizing for a long time. Sure, he could have made a move years ago, but it would have made things awkward with his daughter, now that the friendship of the two women was pretty much over, he saw it as an opportunity. He was determined to get his way after that encounter in her apartment. Clearly, she liked to play hard to get, but in his mind, all women were the same; they liked attention, they liked expensive things and he had money to throw around.

He finally saw her coming out. She was unaware of his eyes focused on her and he allowed himself a second more to enjoy just looking at her. However, he didn't want her to get away, so he climbed out of his car and in just a few big strides, they were face to face.

"What's the rush?" Mr. Lynwood asked, when Stevie tried to move past him.

"Get away from me." Stevie held up her hands, so he wouldn't get any closer. "What are you doing here? Are you stalking me now?"

"I just came to say, hello." He shrugged.

"Hi, now if you just move out of the way..."

"Did you like the bracelet? The earrings? Or was it the ring?" He asked. "The ring cost me quite a lot."

"I didn't like any of them. I threw everything away." Stevie lied. She'd received several more packages over the past few weeks. Thankfully, Lindsey wasn't around to see any of them.

"Right." Mr. Lynwood laughed, shaking his head. "I don't believe you."

"You should be buying your wife jewelry, not me. If you haven't got the message yet, I want nothing to do with you." Stevie narrowed her eyes at him. "I want you to stay away from me."

"See, that's not, what I've got planned for us." He placed his hand on her shoulder, she shrugged it off. "I'm going to ask you nicely once. I want you to come with me."

Stevie frowned and shook her head. "I'm not going anywhere with you!"

"I'm sure, you don't want to cause a scene." Mr. Lynwood gave her a look as he reached for her hand and Stevie recoiled from his touch. "If you let me, I can treat you like a princess."

"I'm not your goddamn princess."

"You're so feisty. Fiery little thing." He grinned, seemingly enjoying her resistance. "You think, you know me, but you don't. So, if I were you, I'd get in the car with me."

"What, you're going to kidnap me if I don't?" Stevie folded her arms, raising an eyebrow. 

"Do you really want for it to come to that? I always get, what I want." 

"Lindsey is expecting me, he'll start wondering, where I am if I don't come home in the next hour." Not knowing, what else to say, she brought Lindsey up in hopes to scare the man away, but it didn't seem to work.

"Don't make me laugh. He's half the man I am." His hand was reaching for her again. "Listen, I'm losing my patience."

"I'm not going anywhere with you." Stevie repeated herself and the look on his face changed, which made her gulp. 

His fingers wrapped tightly around her forearm and he pulled her in closer. "Yes, you are."

Now Stevie felt scared. Something in his eyes made her very afraid. She looked around, but she couldn't call anyone for help, she struggled to open her mouth. His grip on her tightened and she winced. 

"Please, don't do this." Her eyes welled up, but he didn't seem to care. "You're hurting me. I'm pregnant."

"Play nice and I won't have to hurt you." He said, his eyes lowered to her heaving chest, before he looked up again. "So, what's it gonna be?"

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