The Emperor

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Bees POV

"Well... That was pretty easy... Y'know what I said, the day I got unbanned from the Dream SMP? And the day I said I was running? An election that I won, by the way. I said things are gonna change. I looked every citizen of L'manburg in the eyes and I said 'You listen to me. This place will be a lot different tomorrow.' Let's start making it happen. My first decree, as the President of L'manburg, the EMPEROR, of this GREAT COUNTRY! IS TO REVOKE!! THE CITIZENSHIP OF WILBUR SOOT AND TOMMYINNIT! GET 'EM OUTTA HERE!" Schlatt yelled into the microphone. The audience was split perfectly, some gasping, the others cheering. But me. I sat there shocked staring up at the stands as people cried out in both anger and happiness.

I turned around in what felt like slow motion. My eyes locked with Tommys. The surprise was clear on his face, but there was also a hint of pain. I moved my eyes over to Wilbur who looked numb, staring up at Schlatt and the podum.

"Get'em out of here!" Schlatt laughs evilly. An arrow wizzs by my face and tword Wilbur where it strikes him in the shoulder. He stumbles but catches himself on Tommy. I see Wilburs mouth move but hear nothing over the roaring crowd. Tommy starts to run but is still holding onto Wilbur, who is now being dragged behind him. They run through the field of flying arrows. I ran up to the front of the crowd determined to stop the shooting. I push at Punz who has his crossbow aimed in their direction. I glare at him and he sighs, throwing his crossbow down.

Wilbur and Tommy disappear behind the great walls of L'manburg and I sigh a sigh of relief. I look back up at the podium where Schlatt is smirking evilly down at his audience. The shock of the events of the past few moments hasn't subsided yet.

"Someone needs to go after them... Tubbo. Will you be my Secretary of state? My right hand man?" Schlatt mumbles into the microphone. His voice cooing when he mentions Tubbos name. I turn to look at Tubbo. His eyes are on the ground and his hands are fumbling with each other. He doesn't answer and instead. Looks at me with a look of sadness and sorrow.

"No, Schlatt. Tubbo would never work for you." I say loudly, Schlatt looks unimpressed. I walk over and place my arm around Tubbo protectively. That was the main goal right now, to protect what we still had.

"Actually- Bee, I uh-" Tubbo mumbles. Something clicks in me and I back away from him.

"You want the job, Tubbo?" I ask, shock thickly lining my voice. Tubbo looks back down at the ground and nods. My eyes dart up to Schlatt who seems unsurprised. He smirks at me, knowing he's won.

"Tubbo, my right hand man, come join me up here."

Tubbo slowly makes his way up to the stands. I can feel the sad radiating off him. Betrayal. A new found shock floods my mind. But this one isn't the sad type of shock like it was when Wilbur and Tommy were forced to leave. It's an angry type. I'm shocked Tubbo would leave us, and I'm angry at Schlatt and I'm angry at me for not doing something more to help us win the election.

"You know, Bee. There's another seat up here on the podium. Your compelling voice pleases the crowds. Join me," Schlatt says slowly. I glare up to him. He knows my answer.


"Fine then. You know you always have a place here if you change your mind."

I turn on my heel and trudge off into the city of L'manburg. I know where the spot is. The secret tunnel. They must've went off that way.

I find the secret spot where we made a path ahead of time just in case something happened. I jump in and slip my way into the underground tunnels of L'manburg, eventually reaching the opening in the middle of the forest outside of our great country. Well, his country now.

"Bee?" I hear a voice whisper. I recognise it immediately. I spin to where Tommy was crouched, hiding. I looked over his outfit, it was his L'manburg uniform, I was still in mine too but his was torn and burnt in a few places from where the arrows barely missed and burned his clothes. He had a deep gash in his forehead and his blonde hair was sticking up in different directions. But other than that he didn't seem to be hurt too bad. "Wheres Tubbo?"

The question was like a slap to the face. I made a disgusted face before answering that I knew Tommy caught. "He decided to stay." Was all I managed to say. There was a long pause after that. Tommy looked up at the sky, which was pink and gold from the now setting sun.

"What are you doing out here anyways, shouldn't you be hiding?" I ask after a moment.

"Wilbur told me to hide near the tunnels just in case you and Tubbo came looking for us. But I know that's not the real reason he sent me off."

I nodded, I knew too. Wilbur just lost his country and he wouldn't want any of us around to see him get emotional. He's always trying to stay strong but sometimes he needs his space to let everything out.

"Where is he? He's going to need some healing pots. Or cleaning at the least." I say, remembering the arrow piercing his shoulder. Tommy nodded and led me through the woods until we reached a hidden hole in the side of a hill. We walked inside, though we all barely fit. There was a single crafting table, and a bed. Wilbur was sitting on the bed, he looked much worse than Tommy. He had the same scorch marks and scratched but he had one big spot on his uniform that was stained red with blood. There was a single white bandage around it but it wasn't wrapped very well. He looked up at me and Tommy.

"Tubbo?" He asked softly. Tommy shook his head lightly. Wilbur looked down at the floor. I bit my lip unsure of what to do. I looked at Will with concerned eyes. He looked up at me, sighed but nodded. I walked over to him and unwrapped the bandage from his shoulder. I slowly and quietly worked at cleaning Wilburs shoulder. The gash was deep and I knew the cleaning would be painful but Will barely moved the whole time. I could see the gears in his head turning. I slowly looked around at the small home we were standing in. I guess this was home now.

I walked up the small hill over the hidden base in the ground. The view was open and beautiful. You could see L'manburg over the trees, and even into the Dream SMP beyond that. Everything was lit up in the darkness. I could see Will sitting next to a tree looking intently at what used to be his country. The walls now removed, gone, poof. Like they never existed. I knew Wilbur was thinking of Fundy. For Fundy was one of the people who demolished the walls, along with Tubbo. I knew Wilbur was having a hard time. I looked the other way and saw Tommy standing in a small flower patch not far from me, he was looking up at the sky again. I could hear the faint tune of Mellohi being hummed.

I smile softly at the distant tune. I breath in deeply and stare up at the sky. The stars were out and they glimmered lightly above us. The three of us against friends, against family, and against the world. 

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