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Bees POV

I breathe in slowly, trying to forget the last few moments. I need to focus on the fight at hand. I can't be weak.

We enter the familiar lands of my old home. We take shelter in one of Erets towers, giving ourselves the high ground. The plan was to shoot from above until they started to retreat, then start the hand to hand combat. Everyone climbed the tall ladder. Feeling the weight of the battle on their shoulders.

I peaked over the ledge, loading my crossbow. A small group of people were gathered on the podium. Dream, Sapnap, Punz and Karl were talking about something, but they were too far to see expressions or hear any words. I aimed my crossbow at the group. Aiming against the wind. I pressed down on the trigger slowly, hearing the arrow leave the crossbow. The arrow streaks through the air and down towards the group with increasing speed. The arrow hits its target and slices through skin. Even from a distance I can see the crimson color of blood spilling from Karls shoulder. Karl stumbles back into Sapnaps arms. The group looks up at where we all sit, bows loaded. I reload, and aim back down. The group of four scatters. Sapnap runs in the opposite direction carrying Karl behind the white house to safety. My bow instinctively follows Dream as he rushes off to get cover. Everyone around me starts shooting down, raining arrows from the sky. A few fireworks go off and I cringe at the sparkly colors, remembering the last time I saw fireworks.

I shoot down at Dream who dodges my arrow and jumps behind a building. He peeks his head out ever so slightly to see and I fire, taking my shot. It misses, as I expected. I see a flash of purple and green as a pearl comes flying out from where he was standing.

"They're pearling!" I shout to everyone. I stand to my feet, aiming a final shot at Dream, who appears below the tower in a cloud of purple smoke. I swiped by his face, not quite hitting him, but skimming just enough to make him bleed. He glares up at me, and I smirk back down at him. I put away my crossbow and pulled out my sword I took from Technos vault. In a fight where multiple people might be involved it's better to have a blade instead of a top heavy weapon. Faster swings with a sword. I ran to the ladder, knowing that the rest of the group would be following me down after their final shots. I slide down the ladder, hopping off the last part, reading my sword just in case Dreams beat me there. He's not. I head outside, seeing Dream not far from the base of the tower. He puts away his pearls and pulls out his axe, a sudden smirk on his face. I need to be sneaky and unpredictable with my moves, or I'm going to lose. He edges closer and I take the moment to scan the area. Everyones on the ground now, fighting with close range weapons. I see Tommy and Tubbo fighting Punz off to my far right, and Techno and Quackity taking on Sapnap, and a bandaged Karl fighting Niki and Wilbur.

Where is Schlatt?

My eyes lock back on to Dream, who's less than ten feet from me now.

"Is this going to be a fair fight?" Dream asks casually, "Because I'll play by the rules if you do."

"Don't say it like that!" I growl, "This isn't some game. This is our lives, Dream."

"Everythings a game. This one tends to be a little funner than others," he says with a smirk, gliding his fingers down the sharp edge of his axe. He knows I'm worried, he knows what will get on my nerves.

"A fair fight. No bows, no pearls, no strength pots. Just you, your armor and your weapon."


"To the death." I add, hissing under my breath. Dream chuckles.

"Sure, whatever you say," He says sarcastically, stepping forward, holding his axe out. I ready my stance. I can't lose.

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