The Sixteenth

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Bees POV

The 16 arrived in what felt like seconds. I knew something bad was going to happen, I just never realized how bad when I was sitting atop of the l'manburg buildings with Tommy and Wilbur, looking down over the crowd of people waiting for Schlatt's speech. Something bad was going to happen. I knew that. But what, was still a question that sent chills down my spine.

"Tubbo must choose. I gave him the choice. He picks, all he has to do is say the words." Wilbur says. His face stone cold. He was still dark and sad like the other day but it was so different now. The stone cold features of his face were frozen in a glare, his eyes burned with a flame that only seemed to get stronger as he went over today's plans in his mind.

"Why would you do that to him! The pressure he must be feeling right now!" Tommy hisses, now loud enough to be heard down below where the crowd sits chattering. Tommy's protectiveness over Tubbo lacing his voice.

"I gave him the chance to prove he isn't a 'yes man.'," Wilbur says shrugging, as if the choice should be as simple as choosing what to wear.

I'm too worried to say anything so I divert my attention to Techno, who's playing with his trident, showing off, flying through the air, his netherite armor gleaming in the daylight. Something about his demeanor was off today. Like he, the great Technoblade, was worried. Why would Techno be worried?

"Hello everyone. Welcome to the Manburg Festival," JSchlatts voice booms over the crowd. I jump a little at the sudden sound. Everyone quickly quiets and takes a seat. Tommy, Wilbur and I all sink lower into out hiding spot. I scan the podium, Schlatt stood in the middle, in front of a big black throne looking chair. To his left stood Tubbo, his chestnut colored locks shimmering in the summer day light, his little horns jutting out of his head ever so slightly. I frown when I remember how scared he was when he came to us the other day. On Schlatts right stands Quackity, the Vice president who has a huge grin on his face. I roll my eyes at his expression. "Welcome everyone. We are here to celebrate the removal of our former President and Vice president. Look at how beautiful Manberg is now, look at what we've done. Now before I say too much, Tubbo has asked to say a few words. So now can I have my right hand man, my partner, come up to the mic." The audience claps as Schlatt sits down, a sly smile on his face makes me worry.

"Good afternoon everyone, I'm actually- uh... too short to reach the microphone," Tubbo laughs lightly messing with some wires, "But anyways, A wise man once told me, Manburg was like a lettuce, there are so many layers of healthy and tasty goodness, once you wash all the caterpillars and worms off the surface, it's a pretty god damn good meal. Schlatt has successfully washed all the insects off our great nation and with that he's allowed the goodness and tastiness to shine through." Tubbo pauses, I smile at how dumb this reference is but it's cute watching him pull it off, "Look around at what we've built today. Look at eachother, all of this, thanks to democracy and the leadership of JSchlatt." The crowd roars in applause and I see Tommy scrunch his nose in disapproval.

"Isn't that what this whole festival Is about? Democracy. Our people have been beaten down by royals, and by dictators for so long, now we are finally free. Free to elect who we want, Free to live how we want and now free to go wherever we want without the confine of those huge black walls, and with that in mind, I would like to thank everyone for coming to this wonderful event." Tubbo pauses. His eyes dart for a split second to where me, Tommy and Wilbur sit on our porch, hiding. "Let the festival begin."

Wilbur smirks next to me as Tubbo says the key words. The words informing him to push the button and ignite the TNT that lines the bottom of Manburg. I go to stop him from running to the Control room when A deep laugh stops all of us in our tracks. Schlatts laugh echoes across the rows of audience members and up to where we hide. I get chills when I hear it. It wasn't a happy amusing laugh, it was deep, dark and evil sounding.

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