The Vault

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Today is the day we get our home back. Today is the day I show Dream that I'm not the villain in this story.

I stand in the ravine part of Pogtopia, sorting through the e-chest, cleaning up my inventory. I must be prepared for anything. I look down at my hands as I slide protective gloves. Images of blood dripping from those hands pass through my mind, giving me chills.

I am not the bad guy, I tell myself over and over. But that little voice, that's always telling you those little hidden truths you buried deep down, whispers into my ears.

I was your family once too. It says tauntingly.

The fact that the line gets to me every time has started to become annoying. Part of me when I hear it wants to shake my head and roll my eyes, the other part of me freezes, knowing the context behind the words.

"Bee?" Tubbo calls down into the ravine. I look up at him, I can tell there is more emotion swirling in his eyes but I can't place what they are. I return a confused look and walk up the stairs to meet him. His hands are fidgeting and he looks down at his feet.

"What's wrong. Tubbo?" I ask softly, placing my hand on his shoulder. He leans into my touch and relaxes a little.

"Fundy wants to see us," Tubbo says, his voice soft and muffled. Tubbo looked up at me as I started to move my hand up and down his back mindlessly, trying to comfort him. I can see the guilt in his eyes.

I guess I wasn't the only one who took a toll from leaving Fundy behind.

Tubbo sighed and started heading outside, when I didn't follow he looked back at me.

"You coming?" He asks, his voice breaks a little at the end. I don't know if I can take anymore comments from Fundy, especially not now when we're about to go to war with him. I nod, knowing leaving Tubbo by himself with Fundy could be bad for multiple reasons. When in war you have to be prepared for anything. I nod at Tubbo and grab my axe, swinging it over my shoulder. Tubbo winces at the axe, knowing what it might mean if I'm forced to use it. I follow closely behind Tubbo as he walks out into the field by Pogtopia. I see his little orange ears first. Part of me wants to run up and hug him, I miss him too much, but another part of me understands what could be about to happen. This could be a number of things. Sabotage, an ambush, or just a plain old argument. But whatever it is, I have a bad feeling. Tubbo and I stop about ten feet from Fundy who stands tall and proud. But unlike his stance, his expression is shameful, guilt, anger and sadness, switching through the emotions like a slideshow.

"I've come to tell you-" He starts, but I interrupt.

"Fundy, if you're just here to start something, you might as well leave." I say sternly, ignoring the little voice in my head, whispering his words over and over.

"No. I want to fight with you today."

Tubbo looks at me, shocked, but a smile quickly fills his face as he nods quickly.

"Yes, Fundy! Yes yes yes!" Tubbo chants happily. I bite my lip, unsure about all of this, it could still be some big plan of Schlatts. Tubbo runs over to Fundy, I reach out to grab him, to keep him away just in case, but he slips out of my reach. He wraps his arms around Fundy and sighs happily. "I missed you."

I sense a presence behind me and I turn quickly to see Wilbur, Tommy and Techno approaching with Eret. Who looks like he's been drained both mentally and emotionally. Everyone's eyes lock on Tubbo hugging Fundy. Wilburs face drops the sight of his son.

"Fundy?" Tommy asks, he looks at me, then to Tubbo. Fundy lets go of Tubbo and walks up to Wilbur. Who's starring in shock at his son.

"Wilbur." He says, his voice not happy, nor cold, just empty, hollow sounding. "I'm here to pledge my allegiance. I want to fight for your side. Here's my proof this isn't some big lie." A small black journal is passed between Fundy and Wilbur. Wilbur forces his eyes away from Fundy and skims through the thin pages.

"A spy?" Tommy says, shocked, reading over Wilburs shoulder.

Fundy nods stifly.

A spy? That's why he stayed behind when we left. He did not abandon us, he- My breath hitched as my mind wandered back to the conversation we had all those weeks ago. The conversation I called him out for leaving us, for picking schlatt, not knowing the words he countered with would haunt me for the many nights to come. He was doing it to help us.

Fundy's bright orange eyes met mine, knowing I now understood. I looked down at my feet, not being able to hold his eyes with the new layer of guilt settling in.

"And with that heart warming moment, I have something to show you all." Technos deep voice says, shaking me from my thoughts. Everyone turns to look at Techno, who's started walking off. When he notices none of us are following he pauses and rolls his eyes. "It's this way," he says in a partly sarcastic, part amused tone.

I quickly hurry after Techno, just wanting to get away from the thick tension growing between me and Fundy.

The group follows, Techno back to Pogtopia where he pauses at the front door.

"Everyone grab your stuff for the battle, first. We won't be coming back here."

In the next ten or so minutes everyone fills the small upstairs room of Pogtopia, collecting their gear, weapons, food and other supplies for the war. As I slip my netherite armor on, the weight of what's happening today hits hard. I look around at everyone else and realize very quickly that me and Techno are armored the best out of everyone. Both of us have maxed netherite armor. Everyone else is armored in diamond and even some iron. My nerves escalate quickly as I realize how vulnerable we are. Maybe this won't be as easy as we thought.

"Hey guys!" Calls a soft voice from the door. I turn to see the familiar pink hair of my best friend.

"Niki! You made it!" I cheer happily. I rush over to hug her. She laughs nervously. Unlike me, she's not much of a fighter. I'm glad she's here to help though. Everyone but Wilbur greets her briefly in the midst of the chaos. Wilbur decides to wave at her from across the room instead. She waves back but turns to me concerned. I shake my head, not wanting to explain right now.

"Everyone ready?" Techno asks, looking over all of us. Tommy nods for all of us and we follow Techno outside. He walks down to the nearby stream that passes through the field near Pogtopia. He walks up to a patch of worn out dirt and starts pushing the dirt away with his foot revealing a trapdoor. He slowly opens the door and gestures for everyone to head inside. Tommy is first to head down the ladder, then followed by the rest of us. I wait to go last with Techno. Who looks at me when it's my turn. I hesitate before going in remembering Clays warning.

"We want the same thing, Bee," Is all he says. I look at him, his eyes are dark and determined. I sigh and climb down the ladder. I find myself in a small room, chests line the walls and an enchanting table takes up the small corner of the room. Tommys sorting through the chests and taking things he wants as we all stumble around each other in the limited space. Techno climbs down and glares at Tommy who ignores him and continues to steal. I roll my eyes at him, knowing that it's just what brothers do.

Brothers. Wow it's been a long time since I've heard Wilbur, Tommy and Techno call each other brothers. They don't talk about their family ever. I haven't even seen Philza in years. And now that I think about it, this has been the first time I've seen Techno in a long time.

"This is just my home, nothing special," Techno says leaning over a bookcase and clicks something. The ground shakes underneath my feet alerting everyone to the section of the floor that is opening up to a large staircase. Everyone rushes down into the room below, now excited. I make my way down and my mouth instantly drops. Gasps escape from all of us at the sight of the room. "Now this. This is the vault!"

Six sets of fully maxed out netherite armor fill the back wall, and large chests full of anything ranging between weapons, potions, ores, food and more fill the walls left and right of the armor stands.

"Holy shit!" I hear Wilbur say over the crowd of gasps. I laugh lightly. Everyone rushes over to the chests grabbing everything they can hold. I walk over to the potions chest and take a few, not wanting to be greedy. When I look over at the rest of the group, everyone now has full netherite and good weapons. I laugh as Tubbo runs by with his arms full with almost a chests worth of emeralds.

"I'm ready for revolution boys!" I hear Techno say loudly from the back of the room. His voice fueled by power and rage.

We were ready. And we're going to win this war.

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