The Volcano

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Bees POV

 I watch Tubbo run off into the night. God, I'm worried for him. My eyes dart to Tommy, who's clutching his arm, his fist white from holding it so hard. A sadness fills the air making the air thicker and harder to swallow. Tubbo is and will always be Tommy's best friend, he's mine as well, but there's always been an inseparable bond between the two of them.

I glance over at Will, who's standing still, looking up at the sky, breathing in the chilled night air. When Tubbo came he looked the most human he has in weeks. But now he's back to looking cold and numb. The brief spark of hope must've brought old Wilbur back. Maybe there still is hope for him.

I head back inside, knowing that this festival is coming up quick. The 16th is only a few days away. Three, about. Something about this whole event seems off. Like there's a big black storm cloud hanging above it. What is Schlatt planning with this festival?

I sit down downstairs and think over a plan, something to focus on. But as I'm doing so I see Wilbur walk over to the e-chest with a smile. I see a flash of red disappearing into his cloak.

"What do you think you're doing?" I ask, standing up to block him from going upstairs. Recalling the thing he last put in that chest.

"I decided," He said bluntly, trying to push me aside. Tommy walks down from upstairs hearing the commotion. Followed by Techno not long after. Both stare at us, questioningly.

"What did you decide on, Will, that needs TNT," I growl. Wilbur runs his fingers through his hair, deciding a way around all of this. His face very quickly turns cold and mean. His eyes start blazing an evil fire, the results of a fueled flame.

"I'm sick of this! It's MY Lmanburg! My unfinished symphony! Not Schlatt's. And if I can't have it. No one, NO ONE can have Manburg." Wilbur yells, shoving me aside.

I want to go stop him from rigging that TNT but my feet won't move, concreted to the floor. I want to say something, yell at him to stop being so pessimistic. But the part of me, the same part of me that's making it so my feet can't move, knows that all of his irrational behavior and lashing out is a combination of everything he's ever held back. All of the emotions he felt during the Original war that he kept to himself to look strong for us, all the pressure of being president, of losing the one thing hes worked so hard for, all condensed down into what he is now. All the pressure causes an explosive reaction like a volcano. But the problem with a volcano is, it waits and waits until the pressure is too much and it explodes, and it wont stop causing destruction until it wears itself out to the point of eradication.

"Will, this isn't right!" Tommy says taking my place, blocking the path.

"Tommy, you're just scared. Scared people will think differently of you." Will pauses. "When I said you're never going to be president Tommy, that wasn't a challenge. You're never going to be president."

There's a moment of silence as everyone takes in what Will is saying.

"I don't agree with you. But I will follow you," Tommy says under his breath. I turn my head quickly toward Tommy. What? He's insane. How is he going to let him do that!

"Good. Because the place is going up in smoke on the 16th."

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