Memory Lane

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"Good morning!" I sang walking into Clay's bedroom. He groans and turns over in his bed.

"Get up! I'm making pancakes for breakfast! George and Nick will be over in ten!" I yell behind me, walking to the kitchen. Dreams house was small, but I had made some renovations to it to give it a kitchen and a dining room so we could do stuff like this every once in a while.

I poured the pancake mix into the pan and listened to the satisfying sizzle. Dreams footsteps echoed across the stone floor behind me as he neared the island in the middle of the room.

"Good morning," he says. I can hear the morning drowsiness in his voice and it makes me laugh. I flip the pancake when it seems perfect. I turn to Clay while I wait for the pancake to cook. He looks tired but happy as he stares longingly at the food I'm preparing.

He's not wearing his mask, for he's comfortable enough around us to not wear it. His dirty blonde hair sticks up in a bunch of directions, light freckles dot his nose and cheeks, and his emerald green eyes glisten with longing for the pancakes sitting just in front of him, so close but just out of reach. I smile at my life long best friend.

Me and Clay had known each other for a long time. The first time we met I think we both knew we would be close, and over time I got to know his friends Nick and George, and now we all hang out daily. Ever since I met Dream I've lived here in the kingdom of Dream SMP. Clay rules the land here with good faith. And life is peaceful and beautiful. The Kingdom is so far from other people and kingdoms that it's not very known. The population here is slim and does not pass 100 people. But for some reason we still call it a Kingdom and have a ruler. I never questioned it, though I probably should.

"Heyyyyyy!" George called from the front door, walking in. Nick followed close behind him. They both walk into the kitchen, Nick punches Clay in the shoulder playfully. Clay raises an eyebrow at him and punches him harder with a smile. Nick laughs and gets into a fighting stance.

"No! Not in my kitchen! You filthy dogs, go play outside!" I laugh, flipping a few more pancakes over. Nick laughs and makes his way next to me where he shoves me lightly, stealing a cooked pancake. "Hey!" I say running after him to snatch it. I pounce on him snatching the pancake and taking a bite out of it.

"What no fair!" Nick complains. I scrunch my nose and laugh at him playfully. George laughs behind us, I turn quickly and see Clay shoving three pancakes into his mouth at once.

"Clay!" I laugh, jumping up to run over to him. He throws a pancake at George quickly who runs off with it. I give up on chasing George who I know is faster than me. Sapnap snickers as I sit down at the table with an exaggerated sigh. Sapnaps black eyes sparkle with humor and joy as he laughs lightly. His dark hair matches his eyes, contrasting his white headband. I hear George walk up behind us. I can just picture him in his blue hoodie, white goggles on his head and brown hair. He takes the seat next to me and hands me a pancake he must have hidden away somewhere. I laugh and chomp on it, hungry from running around. It's a little cold but worth the wait.

"Hey, Clay?"

"Hmm?" Clay says through a mouthful of pancakes.

"I'm going to go for a walk, wanna join?" I ask, though I know he'll say no, he doesn't normally go out much. But everyday when I go for a walk I invite him anyways. He shakes his head but smiles. "Go, have fun!"

He knows my walks are my favorite part of the day. They're the one thing that calms me down and lets me clear my head. Some people have music, others have their beds, I have my walks.

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