Part 14

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I scratched my arm manically. There was a white bump, with blood red patches around it. The biggest mosquito bite I had ever seen in my entire life. Cutting through leaves and vines and tripping over roots. I continued walking at Riddles impossible pace.

I'd scratched myself on thorns about 6 or 7 times already. I hadn't kept count. The soles of my shoes were getting looser and looser. I knew that after the trip I'd never be able to wear them again. A shame really, they were quite expensive.

"Help! help!" I heard a man's voice yell.

I looked at the two men in front of me that were stopped in their tracks by the sound.

They were looking at each other. It seemed like none of us really knew what to do. Do we ignore it or not. At least the reaction of Tom and Abraxas gave me some sense of peace. I wasn't suffering from any case of jungle madness.

As soon as we had arrived in Brazil, we wasted no time heading into the jungle. Tom had failed to mention beforehand that the hike would be about three days long. And that there was a great reason that Nicolas Flamel chose the rainforest to hide his stone. Our connection with our wands was cut as soon as we stepped into the forest. Tom said it had something to do with radiations coming from some kind of microscopic creature that only lives in this part of the world. Never the less it was quite the journey without magic.
It was very dangerous. But I had Nagini with me for extra protection. Of course, Abraxas didn't know about Nagini so she was following us from a safe distance.

"So now what?" I asked. Tom ran a hand through his hair. His hair was normally neat and tidy. Now there were loose strands hanging in his face and it was wet from the humidity. I would lie if I said that it wasn't a good look on him. Everything was a good look on him. But I think this look did belong to some of my favorites. He wore a khaki button up that was not so buttoned up anymore. The upper four or so buttons had loosened throughout the day. I didn't think he noticed, and I was certainly not going to be the one to tell him.

The other man in front of me. My very own betrothed. Looked very handsome as well. He wore a red and black flannel and grey pants. He sort of resembled a lumberjack, since he wore suspenders along with it all. But a lumberjack he was not as the moment you touched the shirt the feeling of luxury ran through your fingertips. It was made of the best and most expensive Italian linen.

"What do you mean what now. We continue on."
Tom said.

"But-" Abraxas started but was quickly interrupted by Tom

"There is no but. We continue on."

"Think about it, Tom." I said eyeing him.

His gaze moved towards me for the first time since we stopped.

"What is there to think about, Felicity."

He was clearly mocking me. And I wasn't having it.

"The amazones, Tom" I said, the tone in my voice getting harder with each word.

He furrowed his eyebrows.

"Bait." Abraxas realized.

Tom's eyebrows went from furrowed to raised when Abraxas spoke.

"Very well then. You two go after him, I'll stay here and see if we're going into the right direction."

I hesitated. Was it really such a good idea to split up?

"Go on then, what are you waiting for."

Abraxas and I followed the noise. I would be lying if I said I wasn't remotely scared to split from Tom. He was the one out of the three of us that was best at wandless magic. And also, having Tom on my relatively good side also made me feel safe. As if no one could lay a finger on me as long as Tom was behind me.
I suddenly realized that Abraxas had grabbed my hand. I smiled to myself. He was such a great man.

We stopped when we saw a man being cornered by a giant snake. I could sense that snake was very hungry. I quickly looked around and saw a small monkey sitting up in a tree.
"Sorry little guy" I said. I focused all my energy on my palm magic and the monkey started to float. It started to scream hysterically. I tried not to look at its face. It was so helpless. I am a bad person for doing this, but I'm doing what has to be done, it's what Tom would want me to do. Or at least that's what I told myself. I balled my fist quickly and a snapping sound rang through my ears. I killed it. I killed it YOU killed it. I tried to tell myself. But it was no use. I felt nothing for it.

I guided the dead animal toward the snake. It looked up and struck , wrapping its body around the monkey. I whispered in parsel tongue "Now go on het out of here" it looked up at me, Narrowed its eyes, And slithered away.

After a poor attempt at calming the man down he still decided it was a well enough time to faint.

Abraxas tried lifting him, but the man was on the heavier side.  He dropped the man and sat down next to him.

"So what now?" I asked

"We wait for him to wake up."

The exhausting trip, exasperating bug bites and on top of that the fact that I had to murder an animal to help this man who was now already slowing us down. It was making me increasingly irritated. And Abraxas reacting so indifferent to everything. I knew he was just trying to ease the stress, but he was only making it worse.
I rolled my eyes. "I have no time to wait" I said "I'll go get Tom."

Abraxas looked at me, clearly insulted "you think Tom can do something if I can't?" He asked

"Well maybe, it's no use standing here and wondering. Besides, Tom almost has a solution for everything"

"Solution for everything, huh" he scoffed. "Alright, go get Tom. Let's see if he is more resourceful than I am."

"Yes I will, I didn't need your permission."

"As if he is a better man than me." He continued out of nowhere. "A better slytherin."

I rolled my eyes turned around to find Tom. I couldn't help but wonder where all of this was coming from. But I knew it wasn't right. This was very unlike him.

"But I was supposed to become the slytherin prince." He called after me. "He's just a filthy half blood muggle."

I stopped in my tracks and turned around. But he was already with his back towards me, trying to wake the unknown man up.
I sighed and kept walking.

I soon returned to him with Tom by my side. The man was awake now and sipping from a water bottle. I didn't tell Tom any details about what Abraxas said. But I did express that I was worried for him and he was acting odd. Tom said nothing but a short: "I'll keep an eye out."

Was I crazy, Or were they both being very frustrating.
I looked around at the plants and small animals all around me. Standing still I took the time to look up and admire the way the sun rays passed through tiny little holes between the leaves.
In that moment I took a deep breath and decided it was no use being irritable. I would just have to make the best of it.
Before long I joined the others who were sat next to a giant tree. It was time to find out who this man was.

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