Chapter 34

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As soon as dawn broke Felicity woke and glanced at the calendar, a sigh escaping her lips.

Three more days until the wedding.

The events of the previous night lingered heavily in her mind, especially the regrettable decision to let Tom take her to bed.

Overwhelmed by guilt, she sought solace in a bath.

Felicity sank into the warm water, the echoes of the previous night haunting her thoughts. The bath offered a fleeting escape, a moment of solitude to cleanse both body and mind.
As she immersed herself, the weight of guilt and regret seemed to dissolve in the soothing embrace of the water, leaving her with a sense of conflicted emotions just days before her wedding.


"Look at these exquisite flowers, my love. Shall we pick some for the house?" Abraxas suggested, gesturing toward a vibrant display. Severely downplaying the house in which they lived. As it was more like a mansion. Which was exactly why his parents didn't mind lending Tom a room.

Felicity forced a smile, appreciating his effort. "That would be lovely, Abraxas."

As they continued, Abraxas engaged with vendors, his sometimes snobbish demeanour softened by genuine interest in the market's offerings. He negotiated deals with an air of entitlement, yet his affectionate side shone through as he handed Felicity a bouquet of meticulously selected flowers.

"Only the best for you, dove," he remarked, a proud smile on his face.

Felicity gazed at the bouquet, a swirl of conflicting emotions stirring within her. She appreciated the grand gestures and the effort Abraxas put into their relationship, but the night's events lingered, casting a shadow over the facade of their picture-perfect engagement.

They wandered further, stopping at a charming food stall. Abraxas ordered a selection of exotic treats, his enthusiasm infectious. Despite their differences, Felicity couldn't deny the genuine sweetness in his gestures.

As they sat down to enjoy their impromptu feast,

Felicity found her thoughts drifting away from the colourful displays and the sweet gestures of Abraxas. Instead, her mind involuntarily replayed the memory of Tom's touch from the night before. The contrast between the two men in her life stirred a mix of desire, regret, and confusion.

Despite the rational knowledge that Tom viewed her merely as a resource, and the feeling that Abraxas genuinely loved her, her heart stubbornly yearned for Tom.

Felicity couldn't shake the image of the brief moment when Tom's curse was lifted, revealing a person she saw potential in, a person beyond the detached veneer. Her feelings seemed irrational and even delusional, yet the magnetic pull towards Tom persisted.

As Abraxas excitedly shared tales and plans of their future together, Felicity struggled to focus on the conversation. The weight of the secret rendezvous with Tom and the lingering sensations of their intimate encounter occupied her thoughts, creating a tumultuous inner conflict.

She stole glances at Abraxas, a pang of guilt gnawing at her. The contrast between his genuine affection and the forbidden magnetism of Tom's touch intensified her sense of unease. Felicity wondered if the looming wedding, with its grandeur and societal expectations, could truly drown out the echoes of her affection towards Tom.

As they walked back to the estate, the weight of Felicity's conflicted emotions persisted. Abraxas, sensing her distraction, gently kissed her forehead before parting ways for his appointment with his father.

"Darling, I have to discuss the details of our future home with my father," he explained, his tone filled with anticipation.

Felicity nodded, trying to mask her inner turmoil. "Of course, Abraxas. I'll see you later."

As Abraxas left for his meeting, Felicity couldn't escape the persistent thoughts of Tom.

Had he enchanted her? She was unable to grasp the exact moment she had started yearning for Tom.

Felicity, entering her room with a mix of surprise and confusion, found Tom waiting for her. She questioned his presence, to which he replied with a mysterious smile, "I want to show you something."

He led her through the estate with purpose, navigating secret passages until they arrived at a dimly lit chamber. The sight that greeted Felicity was chilling – Cressida, held captive and wet, her eyes reflecting a mix of defiance and desperation.

"What is this, Tom?" Felicity demanded, her shock and confusion turned into a brewing storm of emotions.

Tom's eyes glinted with a cold determination. "Consider it a glimpse into the consequences of betrayal. Your friend orchestrated an attack on you, Felicity. With your blessing, I'd like to make her an example for others."

Felicity hesitated, the gravity of the situation sinking in. Tom, seeing her inner turmoil, spoke with a calculated sternness, "Think about it, Felicity. She's not going anywhere for a very long while."

Tom left the room without another word.

Felicity, after a moment of contemplation, followed him.

"Wait!" Felicity called out, pursuing Tom through the halls of the Malfoy estate. He turned around, fixing her with an expectant gaze.

However, Felicity's attempt to stop was slightly delayed, and she ended up standing just inches away from him. As she looked up at him from such proximity, she found herself at a loss for words, stumbling over her sentences.

An amused eyebrow arched on Tom's face, the intensity in his eyes unwavering. The silence between them spoke volumes, leaving Felicity in a vulnerable state.

Tom's voice cut through the quiet hallway. He looked down to face her, a characteristic coldness in his eyes.

"Let me guess, you wish to speak about yesterday. Worry not, minx. Though I will admit you were very delectable, I can assure you it will not happen again," he declared, a hint of disdain lacing his words. "The little respect I have for Abraxas will not allow it."

Felicity, masking her disappointment behind a composed facade, fell into step behind Tom as he continued down the hallway.
Yet, a newfound appreciation surfaced.

Despite his seemingly loveless existence and the complexities of their history, she acknowledged a certain nobility in Tom. He had refrained from crossing a line that involved someone else's wife, and in that moment, a flicker of respect sparked within her adding to the respect she already had for him.

Felicity, breaking the silence, spoke softly, "I understand."

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