Chapter 24

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In the tranquil respite of the Malfoy mansion, Felicity and Abraxas found solace in a week that seamlessly blended refined activities with purpose. Amidst the manicured tennis courts, they engaged in spirited matches, the rhythmic thud of the ball echoing through the air. Horseback riding excursions allowed them to explore the picturesque landscapes surrounding the estate.

Afternoons unfolded with grace as they savoured exquisite tea in the garden. Delicate china, delectable pastries, and fragrant teas graced the table, creating an ambience of refined elegance amidst the blooms.

In the private enclave of the Malfoy library, the couple delved into intellectual pursuits, exploring books on voodoo, dark magic, and the mystical arts. Evenings were reserved for fine dining in the hall, where culinary delights added a touch of gastronomic luxury.

The mansion's art gallery provided a visual feast, with Felicity and Abraxas strolling through, appreciating the masterpieces that adorned the walls. Amidst the sprawling garden, they took leisurely strolls, engaging in heartfelt conversations about their past, present, and the challenges that lay ahead.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, the Malfoy mansion stood as a silent witness to a week that embraced purposeful pursuits and the hope of a brighter future for the soon-to-be-married couple.On the eve of their return to Hogwarts, Felicity and Abraxas ventured beyond the imposing walls of the Malfoy estate, embarking on a mission to collect some of the essential ingredients for the ritual meant to aid Tom.With pouches filled with the gathered treasures, Felicity and Abraxas returned to the mansion, ready to embark on the next chapter of their quest to free Tom from the shackles of a loveless existence.

The next morning, with the first light of dawn painting the sky, Felicity and Abraxas prepared to bid farewell to Abraxas's parents at the Malfoy vacation home.Septimus, distinguished and regal, spoke first. "Safe travels back to Hogwarts, son. It has been a pleasure having you both here."Felicity nodded graciously. "Thank you for your hospitality, sir. We appreciate your kindness during our stay."Clotilda, her gaze warm, approached Felicity. "Take care, my sweet. If ever you find yourself in need, know that our home is always open to you."

Abraxas, standing beside Felicity, conveyed his gratitude. "Mother, Father, your generosity is unmatched. We will cherish the memories of our time here."

Septimus offered a subtle smile. "Remember, the Malfoy legacy stands strong, and you are both a part of it."With a final exchange of pleasantries and well-wishes, Felicity and Abraxas left the sitting room, the doors closing behind them.

As Felicity and Abraxas arrived at Hogwarts, the familiar halls echoed with the buzz of student activity. However, their focus shifted when they spotted Tom sitting in the Slytherin common room. Determined to avoid confrontation, they briskly walked toward their respective dorms.

Yet, Tom's voice, smooth and calculated, cut through the air. "Abraxas, my dear friend," he called out with a fake smile, the facade of normalcy barely concealing the tension. "And your lovely 


The word "fiancée" was emphasized, echoing through the common room. Heads turned, and whispers began to ripple through the onlookers. The weight of Tom's attention lingered, creating an uncomfortable atmosphere as Felicity and Abraxas hesitated.

"It's good to see you," Tom added, his tone veiling any underlying tensions beneath a veneer of politeness. The Slytherin common room hung suspended in a peculiar atmosphere, torn between the appearance of camaraderie and the subtle undercurrents of unease.

Abraxas managed a polite nod in response, his expression careful. Felicity, too, offered a courteous acknowledgement, their steps hesitating but resolute as they continued toward their respective dorms, aware of the eyes that lingered on them in the aftermath of Tom's greeting.


As Felicity made her way to the dining hall that evening, a sudden and powerful force seemed to seize control. An invisible push propelled her off her intended path and into a nearby classroom. The door swung shut behind her, sealing her inside with an eerie quiet.

Confused and disoriented, Felicity scanned the dimly lit room. Shadows danced across the walls as her surroundings took on an otherworldly quality.

Tom emerged from the shadows, his presence predatory as he walked in calculated circles around Felicity. The dim light accentuated the sharp features of his face, and an ominous aura surrounded him.

"You defied me, Felicity," he declared, his voice a low, accusatory whisper that reverberated through the silent room."And I should be angry, I should be livid and I should kill you right here and now. But all I find myself able to do is wonder how," Tom continued, his voice laced with a chilling mix of disappointment and curiosity. The predatory circles around Felicity ceased as he stood before her, his penetrating gaze unwavering.

"What magic of yours is more powerful than mine?" Tom questioned, his eyes narrowing with a dangerous glint. The air crackled with an unspoken challenge, as if daring Felicity to reveal the secrets that had led her to defy him.

"I can teach you," Felicity said, her words carrying a subtle note of appeasement. The offer hung in the air.

Her hope lingered in the possibility that this concession might temper Tom's ire and excuse her deviance.A mischievous glint flickered in Tom's eyes as he considered Felicity's offer. After a pregnant pause, he finally spoke, his tone measured yet tinged with a hint of intrigue, "Very well, Felicity. I accept your proposition. But, in return, you must make an unbreakable vow – a solemn promise that you will never defy me again."

Felicity met Tom's gaze with a mixture of trepidation and acquiescence. After a contemplative moment, she nodded, her expression resigned yet determined. "I agree," she said, her voice steady as she prepared to make the unbreakable vow that would bind her fate to Tom's whims.

As Felicity agreed to make the unbreakable vow, Tom's gaze flickered to the classroom's entrance. With a subtle gesture, he summoned Avery, who entered the room with a confident stride. The air crackled with the anticipation of powerful magic.As Tom held Felicity's trembling hand, Charles began forming the golden chains around their hands.Felicity spoke her solemn vows in measured tones:

"I vow to never defy your orders, Tom, in word, or action. I pledge you my loyalty, and I bind my will to yours in whatever you say without hesitation or reservation."

Tom interjected after the last sentence with a smirk. "No no. feel free to hesitate and protest to try to change my mind, I would find it very amusing to see you try,"

Felicity looked at him before nodding and agreeing.

"May my life be forfeit if I betray this oath."

As the echoes of Felicity's vows faded into the shadows of the classroom, a profound stillness settled over the trio. The unbreakable vow had been made, and the magical currents intertwined, sealing the commitment that bound Felicity to Tom's will.

"Now be a good girl and go to bed," Tom commanded with a dismissive tone.Felicity, however, protested, "I haven't eaten yet."

Tom tutted in disapproval, a sly smirk playing on his lips. "Ah, the vow," he remarked, a subtle reminder of the events that transpired just a moment earlier. The mention of the vow and its unsettling implications hung in the air, emphasizing the consequences of defiance.

With a stern gaze, Tom insisted, "Go to bed, Felicity. We have much to accomplish tomorrow." The weight of his authority lingered, leaving Felicity with little choice but to comply with his directive.

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