Chapter 26

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Felicity hesitated, ready to meet Abraxas outside Hogwards to cast the spell that could potentially break Tom's curse. The inner turmoil reflected in her eyes as she grappled with the moral dilemma. She knew deep down that this might not align with Tom's desires, yet he hadn't issued explicit orders against the casting, leaving her unbound by the unbreakable vow for this matter.

Being associated with Tom had its perks, but witnessing how easily he could turn on and harm his own knights made her question the path she had chosen. Ambition burned within her, the desire to be the most powerful and influential witch, to bask in the glory of her achievements on her terms. Most of all to save her brother and make sure he was alright. She craved fame, but not at the cost of losing herself in Tom's shadow. And maybe also not at the cost of the school she had grown to hold dear.

Her decision weighed on her, not just for her own ambitions but also for the principles she held dear. She didn't want to be forced into silence, always careful with her words for fear of Tom's mind control. Casting the spell became not just a means to free Tom but a liberation for herself.

So, under the silver glow of the moon, Felicity and Abraxas stood together, their faces set with determination. In their hands, they held a solid heart-shaped form crafted meticulously from clay, bearing the names Merope Gaunt and Tom Riddle carved on opposing sides.

A day before the full moon, they had planned the venture into a secluded area, a spot chosen with care to align with the mystical energies required for the ritual. The earth beneath them felt cool and alive as they dug a hole, creating a space for the breaking of Tom's curse.

Felicity carefully placed the heart-shaped form into the hole, the embodiment of the love spell that ensnared Tom. The clay was made out of many plants and flowers they had found in and around Abraxas' garden.

With a solemn expression, she squeezed the juice from a lemon, letting it cascade over the clay heart, symbolizing the sharp acidity of the love curse that bound him.

Abraxas, holding a twig of moonlit lavender, laid it gently over the heart, the fragrant herb representing the alternative strain chosen in their quest to break the curse. The lavender's unique essence infused the air as they prepared to bury the heart-shaped vessel.

Together, they covered the heart with earth, concealing the symbols of the curse beneath the surface. The moonlight bore witness to their solemn act, casting a silver sheen upon the ritual that unfolded.

As the final shovelful of earth settled over the buried heart, Felicity and Abraxas shared a knowing look. The weight of their endeavour hung in the air, a fusion of hope and uncertainty.

"Let's hope that the curse is broken," Felicity whispered, her voice carrying the conviction of their shared purpose.


The days following the ritual brought an odd shift in Tom's demeanour, a subtle warmth that Felicity found both intriguing and perplexing. They attended classes together, and it seemed as though the spell to break the love curse had indeed worked.

During a class on charms, a spell misfired, hitting Felicity squarely in the face. The impact sent her sprawling from her chair, her head colliding with the table behind her. Pain radiated through her skull, and she felt consciousness slipping away.

As she lay there, dazed and disoriented, Tom approached with an unusual concern etched on his features. He inquired if she was alright, a departure from his usual icy demeanour.

Irritation flashed in his eyes as he cast a glare at the boy responsible for the errant spell. Without hesitation, he informed the teacher that he would escort her to the nurse.

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