Chapter 20

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Felicity awoke to the soft glow of dawn filtering through the luxurious curtains of her quarters. The events of the previous night echoed in her mind, and a sense of trepidation clung to her like a shadow. As she prepared for the day, uncertainty lingered in the air, intermingled with the echoes of Tom's commanding words.

Heading to the grand dining room, she found Tom already engrossed in conversation with the queen, his charismatic smile firmly in place. Abraxas, conspicuous in his absence the night before, now occupied a distant corner of the room, his gaze fixed on Felicity with a mixture of concern and reproach.

The queen acknowledged Felicity's presence with a nod, and Tom shot her a fleeting glance, a silent reminder of their shared mission. Felicity, torn between loyalty and the unsettling doubts that had crept into her consciousness, took her place at the table.

As she sat, her fingers traced the intricate patterns on the tablecloth, a futile attempt to ground herself amid the impending storm of magical endeavors. The clinking of silverware and the murmur of conversation around her faded into the background, drowned out by the anxious symphony playing in her mind.

Tom, resplendent in the regal attire bestowed upon him by the queen, engaged in conversation with regal poise. His charismatic smile, usually a beacon of charm, now felt like a veil concealing the ominous reality of the day ahead.

Abraxas appeared only a distant figure at the edge of the room, caught Felicity's gaze. His eyes, filled with concern and a hint of pleading, mirrored the turmoil within her. She looked away, unable to meet his gaze, the weight of her choices pressing down on her shoulders.

The queen was aware of the impending magical feats, and observed Felicity with a discerning eye. A subtle nod acknowledged Felicity's presence once more, a tacit understanding of the challenges that lay ahead.

Felicity's hand trembled as she reached for a delicate crystal goblet, filled with a rich red wine that mirrored the hue of the grand tapestries adorning the dining hall. She brought it to her lips, but the liquid felt tasteless, the nervous anticipation dulling her senses.

The first course arrived, an exquisite display of culinary artistry, but she couldn't muster the appetite to indulge. Her thoughts were consumed by the impending spells, the strain they would put on her magical abilities, and the uncertain consequences that lurked in the shadows.

Tom's voice, a comforting murmur to others, felt like distant thunder in Felicity's ears. She stole a glance at him, his eyes momentarily locking with hers, he sent a silent reminder of their shared mission.

As the dining continued, Felicity's nervousness manifested in the constant fidgeting of her hands and the distracted gaze that betrayed the storm raging within.

The grand breakfast had concluded, and Felicity, burdened by the weight of the impending magical feats, excused herself from the opulent dining hall. As she made her way down the palace corridors, the soft echo of footsteps behind her revealed Abraxas trailing in her wake.

Abraxas caught up with Felicity, his steps slowing to match hers. "We need to talk," he implored, his tone laced with concern. She turned to face him, her expression a mixture of weariness and determination.

"Felicity, reconsider this. You can't go through with so many spells in a single day. It's too much," Abraxas pleaded, his eyes searching hers for a glimmer of agreement.

"I can't, Abraxas. You know I can't. The queen's orders to get the stone are clear, and I can't go against Tom," Felicity replied, a heaviness in her voice betraying the conflict within.

Abraxas took a step closer, his gaze intense. "We can leave Tom. Together. He won't be strong enough to stop both of us."

Felicity hesitated, torn between loyalty and the yearning for a simpler path. "Abraxas, I'm loyal to Tom. He promised me he'd keep me unharmed, and I believe him," she said, her eyes locking with his, seeking understanding.

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