♧Part 9♧

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Day 2
T h u r s d a y D e c e m b e r 3rd 1942

Anastasiah and I were walking towards the great hall together. Much to my dismay she agreed to have dinner with Riddle's little group.

Next thing I knew I was quietly sitting next to Abraxas, eating my dinner while Anastasiah was on the other side of me, getting along with Lestrange a little too much for my liking. Through their laughs, I could hear someone call my name. I looked around and didn't see anyone who it could've been. Then my eyes landed on Tom who was looking at me with a questioning gaze. I ignored him and continued to look around. When I didn't see anyone who might've called me I shrugged and went back to eating my dinner.

I heard my name being called again but this time it was closer. I looked up and looked straight at Cresida. I excused myself but surely no one heard me. I got up to go talk to Cresida but Tom noticed and called me out. "Where are you going?" he asked.

"I'm going to talk to my friend." I motioned my hand at Cresida.

Tom turned his head to see who I was talking about. Once he saw Cresida's glare he smiled with amusement and turned back around. "Okay." He said.

I huffed and walked away from our table "I didn't need your permission."

As I walked up to Cresida she was quiet for a few seconds before asking me why Anastasiah and I were hanging out with Tom and his group.

I shrugged "They're nice boys, not all of them are fake like Tom." I didn't want to tell Cresida about my deal with Tom, I had a feeling she wasn't going to be as understanding as Anastasiah. She would lash out at me and give me the silent treatment for a long time, if not forever. And I couldn't have that, Cresida was one of the most important people in my life. She was my first friend at Hogwarts and we've been through a lot together.

She rolled her eyes. "No but some of them are even worse. They all look down on muggle-borns. They look down on poor students and they are just plain mean to first-years ."

"You don't even know them, Cress. Some of them are not like that. And statistically muggle borns have been mathimatically proven to make wizards go extinct in the next 2 million years"

She rolled her eyes and disregarder my last statement.
"Really? You were looking pretty close to Abraxas. And in my experience, he is exactly like that." She said.

I groaned. "Well he's nice to me."

She scoffed. "Okay, sure Felly. Go hang out with your new friends, I'll talk to you when they're not nearby."

I looked down. "Cresida..."

She sighed "I'm not mad at you, I just don't feel that comfortable around them."

I nodded "I know, and I'll do my best to keep them out of our friendship, kay?''

She nodded, smiled and walked away towards the Ravenclaw table.

When I got back to the table, everyone was packing up to leave. I wasn't done eating yet so I sat back down while everyone was standing up.

"Are you not walking back to the common room with us?" Anastasiah asked.

I shook my head and smiled at her. "I wasn't done eating yet so I'm staying for a little while."

"Oh, then I'll stay with you." She said and started walking back to the table but she was stopped by Abraxas.

"I'll stay. You said you were tired." He said.

"But she's my friend so I should-"

Abraxas grinned. "It's okay, Anastasiah. We'll be fine."

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