Chapter 22

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The morning sun filtered through the ornate curtains of Felicity's spacious bedroom at the Malfoy mansion. The room, adorned with luxurious furnishings, reflected the richness of the Malfoy family. Felicity, however, felt a knot of nervousness tighten in her stomach.

She stood before the expansive mirror, her reflection framed by the gilded edges. Her fingers traced the intricate patterns of the elegant gown she wore, chosen to match the grandeur of the mansion. Despite the luxurious surroundings, a sense of unease lingered.

The day ahead held a significant task – informing Abraxas's father about the unexpected engagement.

As she descended the grand staircase, the surroundings seemed to close in, echoing the rhythm of her apprehensive heart. The looming presence of Abraxas's father, a figure of authority within the prestigious walls, added to the weight of the occasion.

Upon entering the lavish dining room, Felicity found Abraxas with his mother and father, a stoic yet imposing figure, awaiting her. A subtle tension filled the room as she mustered the courage to share her news. However, beneath the surface, Felicity held a quiet certainty – he knew her secret heritage, and this union was not only welcome but anticipated.

With a touch of determination, Abraxas walked Felicity to the grand table. The atmosphere held a subtle tension, and Felicity couldn't help but feel the weight of the impending announcement.

Once they reached the table, Abraxas's father looked up from his seat, his gaze shifting between his son and Felicity. There was a knowing glint in his eyes, as if he sensed the significance of the moment.

Clearing his throat, Abraxas took a deep breath and declared, "Father, I have an announcement to make."

The room fell silent, the grandeur of the Malfoy mansion seeming to amplify the anticipation. Felicity stood by Abraxas, her nerves tinged with curiosity as she waited for the revelation.

Abraxas's father regarded his son with a raised eyebrow, a subtle encouragement to continue. With a glance at Felicity, Abraxas smiled and revealed, "I've asked Felicity to be my wife, and she has accepted."

A hush settled over the room, followed by a pregnant pause. Felicity held her breath, uncertain of how the sudden announcement would be received. Abraxas's father, however, broke into a genuine smile, the knowing glint in his eyes evolving into one of approval.

"Congratulations to both of you," he declared,
"You honor us with this union, Felicity,"

Abraxas's mother, who had been quietly sipping tea at the far end of the table, looked up at the announcement. Her elegant features betrayed a mix of surprise and intrigue as she focused her attention on Abraxas and Felicity.

"A marriage proposal, Abraxas?" she inquired, her tone a blend of curiosity and amusement. The air in the room seemed to shift as all eyes turned toward her, awaiting her response.

Abraxas, with a proud smile, affirmed, "Yes, Mother. Felicity and I are engaged."

A subtle smile played on Abraxas's mother's lips as she assessed Felicity. There was a discerning glint in her eyes, as if she were unraveling a story beneath the surface.

"Well, isn't this a delightful surprise?" she remarked, her poise unwavering.

As breakfast unfolded in the richly adorned dining room of the Malfoy mansion, a sense of congeniality settled over the table. The aroma of freshly prepared delicacies wafted through the air as conversation flowed.

Abraxas's mother, with a gracious smile, suggested, "Why don't you two take a stroll in the garden? The morning air is invigorating, and the blooms are particularly enchanting this time of year."

Abraxas, sensing his mother's desire for a private conversation, nodded in agreement. "That sounds lovely, Mother. Felicity, shall we?"

Felicity, feeling a mix of nerves and anticipation, agreed with a smile. The dining room witnessed their departure as they made their way towards the sprawling garden beyond.

As they stepped into the meticulously manicured space, the tranquility of the surroundings provided a contrast to the whirlwind of emotions. Felicity and Abraxas strolled along winding paths adorned with vibrant blooms, the fragrance of flowers and the soft rustling of leaves creating a serene backdrop.

Felicity attempted to engage Abraxas in conversation. However, a disconcerting realization struck her – he remained under Tom's control, his responses curt and his eyes distant. Determined to break the invisible chains, Felicity's mind raced through the knowledge she had acquired.

Recalling a passage in her book about voodoo that touched upon mind control, Felicity felt a glimmer of hope. Setting aside a secluded spot amidst the blooms, she started preparing for the spell she believed could sever Tom's influence.

Drawing intricate symbols in the soil and arranging the necessary components, Felicity's hands moved with a mix of urgency and determination. The whispers of the garden seemed to echo her intent, as if nature itself understood the gravity of her endeavor.

As she began the incantation, the air shifted, charged with an energy that transcended the ordinary. Felicity's voice, laden with the weight of ancient words, wove a tapestry of spells aimed at breaking the insidious hold on Abraxas's mind.

Abraxas, initially oblivious to her actions, suddenly furrowed his brow, as if momentarily freed from a mental restraint. Felicity continued the incantation, pouring every ounce of her will into the spell.

A ripple passed through the garden, and Felicity sensed a resistance, a force pushing back against her efforts. Undeterred, she pressed on, her determination fueled by the desire to liberate Abraxas from Tom's influence.

As the final words of the spell left her lips, a palpable shift occurred. Abraxas blinked, his eyes regaining a flicker of clarity. Felicity, breathless but hopeful, looked into his eyes, searching for a sign that the spell had worked.


Back in the ridiculously large dining room, the atmosphere buzzed with the anticipation of the impending engagement. Abraxas's parents, Septimus and Clotilda, engaged in a quiet conversation about the union of their son with Felicity.

As she sipped tea, Clotilda leaned in, her eyes filled with curiosity. "Septimus, dear, you seem to know more about Felicity than you let on. What is it that I've missed?"

Septimus, with a knowing smile, began to enlighten his wife about Felicity's extraordinary lineage.

"Felicity is a descendant of the Oracle of Delphi, my love. She carries a bloodline with phenomenal power."

Clotilda's eyes widened with a mix of surprise and intrigue. "The Oracle of Delphi? Does that mean..."

Septimus nodded, confirming her unspoken question. "Indeed, my dear. The union of Abraxas and Felicity holds a unique power. The heirs they will produce will inherit the ability to see into the future."

A smile played on Clotilda's lips as she absorbed the significance of the revelation.

As the whispers of their conversation echoed through the space, the grandness of the Malfoy mansion seemed to absorb the secrets of Felicity's lineage and the extraordinary destiny that awaited the union of Abraxas and Felicity.


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