11. 🤍🩹

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"Dr. Park... where do I put this medicine?"

"Oh...the shelf to the right...to the anti depressants..."

Seungmin was sorting out pills while Dr. Park was doing some paper work. Seungmin really liked him, he was old but nice and really clever. He had thought Seungmin a lot those last days, besides that he doesn't seem to be that strict. 

He mumbled some words, seeming to be concentrated.

Seungmin sighed.

It had passed almost 2 weeks since the incident and he couldn't stop thinking about Sam. Yeah, of course he hurt him but somehow the younger couldn't get a grip of his thoughts.

"How he's doing...probably not fine...I hope they won't treat him all too bad...why can't they just help him... he doesn't deserve to be treated like that...no one does...if I could just see him one more time maybe... I could just somehow get to see him in the night...just one-"


Seungmin got startled, almost dropping the pills but luckily he caught them in time.

"Are you there? You seem a bit off, my boy" Dr. Park looked at him worried.

"U-uh...no, I'm fine..." he smiled nervously.

"You sure?"

Seungmin nodded.

"You can always come to me...you know that... and you can always ask me..."

"T-thank you, Dr. Park"

"Ask him?..."

The old man turned back to his work and Seungmin was back in his thoughts.

"Should I-maybe...he said I could ask him everything...but-"

"Actually..." started Seungmin.

Dr. Park turned his head towards him, looking at him expectedly.

"Sir, do you know how...Sam is doing..."

He avoided his eyes, hoping he wouldn't disappoint the doctor.

But Dr. Park only smiled gently.

"Seungmin...I know you're interested in him...and I really know that you have a good heart and that you can talk to people really well...but...you see, Sam is different. He might need a different treatment than other patients..."


"He isn't my patient sadly...as you know Dr. Shin takes care of them...I'm old and have no more energy to take care of those patients...that's why Dr. Shin took this department." he explained.

Seungmin nodded, trying to suppress the sadness and slight dissapointment he was feeling.

"Is there...but is there...any possibility that I can...can see him?"

"The only thing I know is that he got into a padded cell...nothing more...the day we took you away from him...I saw the guards brining him to the room..."

Seungmin sighed.

He had been already questioning why he couldn't hear Sam screaming.

"A padded cell? Why? This is cruel... but now I know where he is...I could just visit him... is there even a window...maybe tonight?"

Suddenly the phone ringed. It was for Dr. Park.

"Hello? Oh yeah, Dr. Park...yeah...of course...sure..."

// ❤︎

Seungmin was walking outside together with Dr. Park.

It was cold. He was wearing his brown coat along with a brown scarf as it was cold.

He was accompanying the doctor till they'd reach the train station. 

Dr. Park had a meeting  the next days in Manchester.

They arrived at the train station.

"Seungmin, be sure not to overwork yourself while I'm away...I want an energetic assistent when I'm back..." warned Dr. Park with a hint of humor.

Seungmin nodded. "I will"

The train was nearing and Seungmin knew it was time for him to go.

"Oh, and please...Seungmin...just be careful" he said smiling, taking his luggage.

Seungmin smiled at him too, watching him enter the train, seeing his figure getting lost in a cloud of fog.

"Just be careful...What did he mean-"

Seungmins smile dropped.

Thats when he realized....

"He knew that I'd try to get into touch with Sam..."

But then it grew wider.

"He wants me to try it..."

 // ❤︎

The door opened.

Dr. Shin entered the room.

"Finally calmed down...huh?" he asked.

Sam sat in the corner, hugging his knees tightly with his handcuffed hands.

"Piece of trash..." he scoffed.

"I want to test something out...prepare him...tomorrow he'll be allowed to stay at the living room alone..." he demanded the guards. He turned back to the door.

"Make sure he doesn't show any violent behavior till tomorrow...I need to see how he reacts in public" he whispered to one of them before leaving with a smile on his face.

⌇ a/n:

A slight filler chapter sorry heh :')

Ah the story takes long to get to the actual plot and drama-


I hope you enjoyed it...

Have a good day/night! ✌🏻🤍

& stay safe! ✨

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