4. 🤍🩹

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The patients hair was black, slightly long and really messy. He had dark circles around his eyes, looking incredible tired and done. A big scar on his neck. He was wearing a white patient shirt.

"Hm...I've never seen him...probably from the third floor or something....I've seen a few in a patients shirt...and scars were common too"

His eyes were so cold. Maybe not cold but at first they seemed so emotionless to Seungmin.

"Um aren't you tried?" he asked as the neared himself.

But the young man didn't give a response, his eyes focused on Seungmin.

The closer Seungmin got, the more he started to notice the cuts on his wrists and arms.

"Should I be scared?"

He was wearing handcuffs.

That's when he realized that the person couldn't be from the 3rd floor.

"He can't be from the 3rd floor...they do not wear handcuffs...sh#t he is from the 4th floor....I am scared.... don't show it Seungmin...don't show it...keep calm....what is he doing here?"

But he decided not to show it. He didn't want to make the patient feel anxious.

"My name is Seungmin...I'm a nurse here...we haven't met yet, I see" he said friendly, a smile on his face.

But he didn't move, no reaction.

"Oh...your hair seems to be a bit unkempt" he sighed, slowly reaching his hand out to touch it. And for the first time his eyes wandered to Seungmins hand.

"Hm...sadly I don't have a brush with me but I'm sure next time we meet, I will bring a brush with me..."

"It feels like talking to myself but he seems to be listening...I can feel it"

Seungmins hand gently touched the patients hair, caressing it and pushing it out of his face.

The raven haired closed his eyes.

"What's your name?"


Spotting the bruised wrists because of the handcuffs, Seungmin felt sorry.

"Are you okay?" he asked quietly.

To his surprise, he mouthed a 'no', followed by a shaking head.

"I don't have a key to remove them...but I can put on some plasters for you"

Seungmin bend down to his knees and gave him a sweet smile as he pulled out four big plasters with lions on them.

"They are actually for the teens..I hope you don't mind them" he giggled.

He reached for the patients hands, first hesitating but gently taking them in his. He put the plasters on as he knew that when wounds start healing, they start to itch really bad.

"He must've scratched them open because to the itching..."

"It's late...c'mon...I will bring you to bed." He stood up, pulling the patient by his hands carefully up.

The other one still looked at him and even though Seungmin felt kinda scared, he decided to bring him back to his room.

As he was walking alone in the 4th floor with the patient he spotted an open door.

"He must've just gone out...where the heck are the guards? Someone surely forgot to lock it"

But before he could even go near the room, the patient stopped walking.

Seungmin turned around, he was starring at him.

And no those eyes weren't emotionless-


"Hey..." he softly called. "Don't be scared..."

Seungmin squeezed the mans hands slightly, wanting to assure him comfort.

And he could feel a finger squeezing his hands back.

They continued to walk to the room and entered it.

It was dirty.

Not like the others.

Dirty and filled with a nasty smell. As if they wouldn't ventilate the room at all.

Just one bed, nothing else.

The walls dirty, in the corners mold.

"Ugh...someone should clean it here"

He placed the patient on his bed, trying to ignore the state of the room.

"You're cold..." he whispered nothing the coldness on the mans cheeks.

He sighed, seeing the thin blanket.

"Goodness, they shouldn't be treated like animals! Is this a farm or what?!"

However having no other choice, he covered the raven haired with it.

"Sleep well...I'm sure we gonna see each other again" Seungmin whispered.

He caressed the patients hairs softly, wandering down to his cheeks before leaving.

And as he left, he could feel those eyes still piercing through his soul.


A shorter chapter for today!

But I'll prolly update this weekend too! :)

Hah I'm a way too excited for this story ...


Have a good day/night! ✌🏻🤍

& stay safe! ✨

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