6. 🤍 🩹

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"Hey...you okay?"


Seungmin looked from his food up.

"You seem...a bit off" said Chan who had already finished his diner.

Seungmin stared at him, he hasn't touched his food yet.

"C'mon stop playing with the fork, eat normally"

"I don't feel well...I prefer not to eat today..." sighed Seungmin standing up with his plate, taking Chans with him.

He opened the trash, throwing the food away.

"It's about the patient isn't it?"

Seungmin stopped his action for a second.

"How does he know?"

"Jenna told me she saw you today, looking at Sam really frightened..."

"I-I wasn't f-frightened..." he whispered.

"What a lie...you should be" scoffed Chan.

"He isn't treated right..."

"Seungmin, you're not a doctor you can't decide that-"

"But -!"

"YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW ABOUT WHO WE'RE TALKING ABOUT! HE IS A FUCKING PSYCHO SEUNGMIN, OPEN YOUR EYES...A FUCKING PSYCHO!" yelled Chan suddenly, his fist meeting the table. The plates dropped.

Broken pieces were decorating the floor.

Seungmin flinched.

"NO! He's not ! He's human!" he said out loud. 

He was angry.

He had tried to hold it back the whole day.

„Calling him a psycho...letting him live in a room that looks like trash...telling him he is a helpless case... that's what Chan defines as a helpful treatment? Is he out of mind? He is a real stupid role model to me if he supports this whole idea..."

Tears build up in the youngers eyes as he felt so sorry for Sam.

„I had thought you were different" sighed the older one, shaking his head in disappointment „but you're just like everyone else...so naive and stupid!"

And it angered Seungmin. So much.

„And  you shouldn't even have gotten the permission to be a counselor!" He snapped angrily.

That's when he has realized he had gone a way too step too far.

"Fvck, I disrespected him..."

"Listen, if you don't know where your place is at you, shouldn't have come here. You're only causing trouble to us, to everyone in this building! So don't be such a child. Either you listen or you leave and don't you even try to underestimate my position, you fvck1n brat!" Chan shouted at him.

A few tear drops left Seungmins eyes out fo pure anger, he wiped them quickly away, not daring to look up.

He started to clean up the pieces, wondering why Chan was still with him.

"He is a helpless case..." was the last thing Chan said before leaving the room quickly, not wanting to see Seungmin for the rest of the evening.

// ❤︎

It was dark, the moon shining through the window in Seungmins room.

He couldn't sleep.

It was too much for him.

Those cold eyes...they didn't even seem emotionless to him...

"I swear I saw fear in his eyes...sadness...maybe a bit of hope? Maybe If the would treat him right...if I could treat him...he didn't seem violent at all yesterday? But why do they keep telling me to stay away from him? He isn't a psycho...I don't think so...why do I feel like it's an insult...it is...but- What did he do? Who is Sam?"

He decided to stand up, watching the moon getting slowly covered by the dark clouds.

"I know you're not like that..."

// ❤︎

And it felt like his feet was pulling him to that room that night.

He walked through the corridors of the 4th floor.

He could hear the voices, some murmuring and even some pleads.

But this seemed to be usual for the 4th floor.

He stopped walking, standing in front of Sams door.

He slowly moved closer, wanting to take a look at the small window on the door.

And he could see him.

"Oh Sam..."

He was crouching in some corner, his hands handcuffed again, looking even more painful and bruised. His hair messy, dried blood on his nose, going down to his chin.

Oh and how much Seungmin wanted to go inside and to comfort him.

He was awake, quietly playing with his fingers.

"Sam..." he whispered.

And as if on clue, the patient looked up.

He had spotted Seungmin through the tiny window.

A cold face looking at the boy.

Seungmin gave him a sweet smile, waving his hand a bit.

And Sam looked at him but it was enough for Seungmin.

And surprisingly, Sam did move, nearing himself the window.

Seungmins smile grew bigger.

Sam got so close to the window, bumping his forehead against it, not breaking eye contact for a second.

"Who are you Sam?" whispered Seungmin.

Sam lifted his hands, wanting to show Seungmin the bruises, his eyes fixed incredible on the younger.

"I know it hurts...but I can't help you yet..."

Seungmin started to feel useless, not being able to help Sam.

Tears build up in his eyes and as one of them escaped, he quickly wiped it away.

He immediatley turned his back towards the window as more of them ran down his cheeks.

He had never felt so sorry for a person.

"Stop crying...get yourself together...you're confusing him"

He faced Sam again who was still looking at him with those dark eyes.

He gave him another gently smile.

That's when he saw a flashlight at the beginning of the corridor.

"Sh1t the guards..."

He looked at Sam with a 'I'm sorry' look, running away.

"I need to find out who he is..."


Yay update! 

Also, i wanna say, that Chan may appear as a mean character in the beginning of this book (again-but fr idek why I made him so mean in 'desperate' lmao sorry)

But he isn't!! 

Hope you enjoyed it!

Have a good day/night! ✌🏻🤍

& stay safe! ✨

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