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He looked at the clock.

8 pm.

He'd soon arrive the hospital.

Was he excited?

Yes, he was.

Of course.

It always has been a dream to work in a hospital.

He had always wanted to work with people because he likes to talk to them.

He has a good heart and knows how to treat them correctly.

The fact that it was a psychiatric clinic made it even more excited as he was ready to collect his first experience.

Seungmin looked outside.

Raindrops hitting the windows of the train.

Outside it was dark. You couldn't see anything.

The whole ride going through the endless darkness of trees and nature.

Seungmin found it scary.

His phone beeped.

Innie my little foxie 🦊

Hyung...did you already arrive? If yes, how is it?

I'm missing you! Mom is forcing me to do laundry

since you're not there...when will you come back?

Innie, I haven't even arrived yet...

I'm sure mom's just trying to teach you house chores...

I knowww... I just really miss you...can you at least

bring me a present when you'll come back?

Or send me a package? I really feel like hugging you know :(

Seungmin chuckled.

He remembered how his little brother couldn't suppress his tears when he moved away. Especially this far. Even tough he is in puberty, he still seems like a child. The way he cried at the airport made even Seungmins heart heavy but this was his dream.

Don't worry, I'm gonna visit you and mom in the holidays and I'm gonna send you packages! And we can video chat on weekends...okay?

Okay.....Oh i gotta do the dishes...love you Hyung, Bye!

Love you too...take care!

"The train reached his destination. Thank you for taking a ride with us. You may leave now"

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