2. 🤍🩹

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Seungmin woke up due to the loud alarm on his phone.

"7:30 am?"

His eyes went wide as he started to get ready.

Luckily Chan had already given him his uniform yesterday.

He quickly showered ( he was a bit disgusted by it but he needed to shower) and brushed his teeth, including his skin care.

By 7:55 he was running down the stairs, already seeing some of the patients walking along the corridors.

"Oh Seungmin, there you are!" greeted Chan.

"H-hi" breathed Seungmin out as he had run 3 floors downstairs (not@me in school lmao) 

"Am I late?"

"Nah...in time!" smiled Chan widely.

"Oh...he seems to be a motivated person"

"Okay so...first I will show you around and talk about your schedule, tasks and so on... and then you can have breakfast, does that sound fine or fine?" he joked.

Seungmin couldn't suppress his smile at the joke, he nodded.

"Fine enough"

"Let's go..." Chan winked at the younger, signaling Seungmin to follow him.

"So here is the ground floor. Here, in the back, we usually keep cleaning stuff, medications and here is the lab."

Chan opened the door, a big room of medications, pills and injections standing in multiple shelves. Then he showed Seungmin the lab.

"But of course this is only for the doctors...only they have the key...if a patient needs medications, they will lie in their specific drawer but later to this..."

Seungmin nodded understandingly, following Chan to the first floor.

"Here are rooms of patients, here are the youngest. They are 16 till 18 years old. In each of the corridors is a specific room for doctors, therapists and nurses. In those rooms are drawers. Each patient has a drawer where his medications and documents are lying, got it?"

Chan showed him a living room for patients and nurses and the sharing rooms of the teenagers.


"The third floor is basically the same but here we have the biggest living room for the patients. It's the same except for the break 'room' where doctors, wards, nurses etc. spend their lunch or night shifts. For example they can have a nice chat or coffee..."

"We're walking towards the 4th floor...Somehow...it feels like this is the most different one...Chan told me not to walk around-"

"Seungmin" Chan stopped walking, taking a deep breath.

"Did I do something wrong? Oh no.."

A serious look on his face.

"Yes?" Seungmin gulped nervously.

"Promise me...not to walk in those corridors alone. Not yet."


"Promise this first!" a strict tone in Chans voice.

"Y-yes...I promise!"

"This floor is for the..." he stopped in the middle of his sentence, not finding the right words.

"...special patients...they show a more aggressive and violent behavior towards people so that only wards, professional nurses and doctors are allowed to treat them. They are dangerous. They don't have an own cell for nothing. Believe me....so don't even try to get in touch with them..."

"Dangerous? Aggressive? Violent?"

"But it's the same here...just more extreme..."

"B-but Hyung...will I ever get the chance to work with them?"

A frown escaped the olders lips. It's not like Seungmin was the only naive one asking that question.

"Sure...but not yet...you better won't want to" he joked.

"Now let's have breakfast" he said happily again as he went downstairs.

Seungmin couldn't help but look once again back at the dark floors of the 4th corridor.

/// ❤︎

Seungmin was satisfied with his schedule.

Working from 8 am till 9 pm in the evening from Monday to Thursday. Mostly doing things like bedsheets, helping out in the cafeteria, sorting out medicine, sometimes even giving them to patients and spending time with them.

And three small night shifts more like check ups in every room from floor 1 to 3, from 11pm till midnight.

However, the 4th floor kept on bothering his mind.

He was just so curious but he had promised Chan not to go there alone.

"Stop thinking about it Seungmin! You can't...not yet! ... Chan said that they cannot be helped! ...but maybe-...oh c'mon stop thinking about it and focus on your training!"

For the rest of the day Seungmin was sitting in his room, studying more nursery things. As his schedule would only start tomorrow, he had nothing else to do.

But he sighed frustratedly.

Because one certain thing couldn't leave his mind.

"I hate myself for wanting to know what's behind the doors of the 4th floor..."


The story is getting started 🥳. Finally. lmao.

Don't worry, next chapters are going to be probably more interesting...I hope. duh. 


Thank you for reading & don't forget to put on warm clothes because it's been getting incredible cold outside!  (If u live in a cold country...if not, still be safe ;))

Have good day/night! ✌🏻🤍

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