7. 🤍🩹

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Violence, blood, self harm!


"Get out, piece of trash"

The man grabbed him by his bruised wrists, walking him to through the corridors to the shower.

He was thrown into the shower room.


"F#cking Psycho, if you wouldn't have done-"

"S-SHUT UP!" shouted Sam.

"You little- who do you think you are to tell me something like this?" he yelled, slapping the patients cheek hard.

Sam fell to the ground.

"You should've died...you're not to help anymore!"

He put another pair of handcuffs on, bounding him to the shower.

"How much time are you gonna spend here? Ects aren't working, you seem to be so psychotic that even damaging your brain doesn't help...probably need to bang it a few times more against the wall, huh?"

"n-no-STOPSTOPSTOPSTOP!!!" he shouted as he felt cold water trickling down his body.


But the guard left, a sly smirk on his face.

"Fvcking psycho..."

// ❤︎

He tried to free himself, the handcuffs digging deeper into his skin as blood started to flow out of them. Blood along his arms, staining his white shirt. He shouted, the need to hurt himself growing. He hoped that he'd die this time...

He started to hit his head against the wall, losing control over his body. Not minding, if it created  a new wound.

He couldn't feel the pain anyways.

He was wet from head to toe, freezing in the dark shower. The water being cold.

And memories floated his mind as he felt the water against his skin.

And he shouted.


Begged them to stop.

As he couldn't stop hurting himself.

All of them thought he was a madman. 

A psycho.

But he was helpless...

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐎 || OHƆ⅄SԀ  ●  ⌜ʜ.ʜj x ᴋ.ꜱ⌝Where stories live. Discover now