13. 🤍🩹

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📍Tw: panic attack, violence

3rd person

Time passed by quickly and the teenagers had decided to go for a walk outside, some of them had to visit their activities or therapies such as dancing.

Seungmin was spending a bit more time with the other patients.

The nurse with Sam still seemed to discuss something but he didn't want to bother them.

However he could feel then and now a few glances of Sam.

After some time a few patients started to leave and it went quiet and he could hear their conversation.

He didn't mean to eavesdrop but he just couldn't-


"...I said no..."

"...but you should-"

"I said no..."

"....listen, we don't want anything to happen-"

"I said no!" said Sam louder, hitting the table. The guard were about to interfere but the nurse gave them a sign that it wasn't necessary.

The patients were looking at them curiously.

"Sam...we can guarantee you that-"


"Sam, please...calm down-"


Seungmin glanced at him, Sams hands fisted into a ball.

"He's trying to hold his anger in..."

"Sam...calm down...all we want is to help you..."


The nurse tried to touch grab his hand as he had stood up but he slapped it harshly away.


A loud scream echoed through the room, Seungmin got startled, watching the whole scene happen.

One of the guards threw cold water on him, Sam immediatley fell to the floor...his breath hitching...his actions immediatley stopping.

"He's in panic...he's having a panic attack...why isn't-"

"Sam!" he called but before he could act, one of the guards had pushed him with a lot of force away, making him fall on the floor.

Next thing he saw was that the bucket was rammed against Sams head, they pulled him up, dragging him by his collar across the floor to the bathroom area. He wanted to shout but the grip on his collar was too tight, he couldn't breathe. And he looked at Seungmin - as if he'd beg for help.

Seungmins eyes teared up heavily, tears flowing out like waterfall. It just happened so fast and it felt as if he couldn't move. He couldn't understand.

"I can't just leave him..."

He quickly wiped his tears, running after the guards and the nurse.

"He needs help..."

He entered the bathroom from where shouts were coming from, his heart shattering into multiple pieces.

"NO! STOP!" he shouted at the guards, trying to stop them as they were holding Sams head under the water in the bath, bringing his head up and pushing it down multiple times.

But they pushed him away once again.

"Yah you little...how can you-"

He pushed the nurse aside, to remove the guards hands but they were too strong.

"Please stop...I beg you...please stop...stop it...stop it...please!" he cried heavily.

"Have mercy on him...please just stop...stop it!"

That's when Dr. Shin entered the area.

"Aish...this little brat again...ruining everything...WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?" he shouted at Seungmin, trying to get him away from Sam who was almost drowning.

"Just leave him...please just stop it..." he sobbed. "Just stop..."

The guards being annoyed, they tried to remove the younger for a second time but he just wouldn't let go.

"No! Leave it...please..." his face tear streamed, eyes and cheeks red.

"You ugly piece-"

Getting all of his strength together, Seungmin pushed the guard away, clinging right after onto Sams back, bringing his head up from the cold water.

The patient started to cough loudly, being completely soaked in water.

"Don't hurt him...please stop it..."

The guards were about to interfere again but Dr. Shin stopped them.

And he started to laugh amusingly.

"To stop? It will never stop...believe me...how often do you have to hear it...he is just a helpless case...nothing more than a ...what do I know?" He scoffed. "You keep on getting on my nerves, boy...always interfering into my plans my therapy-"

"YOU CAN'T CALL IT THERAPY!" Seungmin raised his voice at him.

Dr. Shin gave him a cold stare.

"Whatever you say...brat...leave it guys, call Chan to clean up the mess...Mr. Kim seems to be able to get a grip of our Samy...if he won't almost die like the last time..." he laughed.

The guards left together with Dr. Shin.

And he turned around for a last time, the usual amusing smile on his lips-

"And that's why you'll never be a good nurse, Mr.Kim ..."

With that he left.

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