Chapter 39

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A/N - Oh my god. The series finale is next!

The Doctor, Elise, Cyber-Webley, and the kids walked up to the castle. The platoon rushed out, their guns drawn.

The Doctor hid behind the chess board he was holding. "Don't shoot, don't shoot, I'm nice. Please, don't shoot!"

The moment reminded Elise of Rory when they dealt with the Minotaur.

Clara walked up to them.

"Hey, Clara, you haven't let them blow up the planet. Good job."

"Did you get the kids? Are they all right? What's going on?" she asked.

"Er, a bit of a good news, bad news, good news again thing going on."

Clara aimed her gun at him.

"So, good news, I've kidnapped the Cyberplanner and right now I'm sort of in control of this Cyberman."

"Bad news?"

"Bad news, the Cyberplanner's in my head. And, different bad news, the kids are, well, it's complicated."

"Complicated how?"

"Complicated as in walking coma." He hid behind the chess board again as Clara looked at Angie and Artie.

"Please tell me you can wake them up."

"Hope so."

"Other good news?"

"Well, in other good news, there are a few more repaired and reactivated Cybermen on the way, and the Cyberplanner's installing a patch for the gold thing. No, wait, that isn't good news, is it. Er, so, good news, I have a very good chance of winning my chess match."


"I'll explain later. In a bit of a hurry. Get me to a table, and somebody tie me up! Need hands free for chess. And immobilize me, quickly."

They went to the throne room where Clara tied the Doctor to chair with some rope.

"Right, that's good. I won't be able to move, but hands free. Good."

"You're playing chess with yourself?" Clara asked.

"And winning." He tore the golden ticket off and the Cyberplanner was back.

"Actually, he has no better than a twenty five percent chance of winning at this stage in the game. Some very dodgy moves at the beginning. Hello, flesh girl. Fantastic. I'm the Cyberplanner."


"Afraid not. I'm working the mouth now. Allons-y. Oh, you should see the state of these neurons. He's had some cowboys in here. Ten complete re-jigs."

"You aren't the Doctor." "

No, but I know who you are. You're the impossible girl. Oh, he's very interested in you."

"Why am I impossible?"

"Hasn't he told you? The sly devil. Oh, dear me. Listen, soon we'll wake. We'll strip you down for spare parts, then build a spaceship and move on."

"More Cybermen."

"They're waking from their tomb right now. You can either die or live on as one of us." The Cyberplanner's hand was moving. He wrote 'Hit Me' on a notepad sitting next to him. That was definitely the Doctor breaking through.

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