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@hannahteeson asked: Are you still continuing with the outtakes and bloopers book? If so can people still recommend story ideas

Yes! I am. I've written some recently, but I can't post them because it'll give away major plot points. I'd love for people to request story ideas!

@NicholasKirchmann and  @Masterchief7384 asked: "Is the Littlest Time Lord series going to continue past The Doctor's Eleventh Incantation and into his Twelfth Incarnation? Just asking out of curiosity since I love this series" and "When will twelve join the fray"

I plan to write the entire Moffat era. Unfortunately Elise will not be traveling with Thirteen, but they might pop up in each other's story from time to time.

Twelve will be joining the story when Eleven regenerates at the end of the Christmas special and I cannot wait for it!

@Rose_Gold03 asked: Does Elise regenerate with 11 in trenzalore? I still have a lot of questions about trenzalore but I don't think you will answer them cause you know SPOILERS!

Elise won't regenerate again until series 10. Not telling you when though. I entertained the idea of having her regenerate with him, but I like the way she regenerated in "The Snowmen". So that means you get two angry Scots together in the TARDIS.

@lunalovegood23489 asked: If you had a face claim for Elise ( and her next regeneration.) who would they be?

Katherine McNamara is Elise's current face claim. As for her third body, I've already picked her face claim. But I can't tell you right now, because that will give away who influenced her regeneration.

@HannahTeeson asked: Also. Not really a question.. but I was wondering if it where a good idea to name your chapters the names of the episodes.. eg Rings of Akahten(2) just an idea so people can ho back and read their favourite episodes.

I've thought about it. I might go back and add them later.

Thank you to everyone who submitted questions. I'd love to answer more! I reply to almost every comment, but you can always message me and ask questions or request things.

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