Chapter 7

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The Doctor entered the TARDIS with a man, who walked right up to Neffy and Elise.

Elise wasn't too fond of the Egyptian Queen, but she'd promised the Doctor she would try to be nice.

"And who might this lovely creature be?" the man asked, kissing the back of Elise's hand. Neffy laughed at the uncomfortable expression on Elise's face.

"Riddell, this is Queen Nefertiti of Egypt and my daughter, Elise," the Doctor said.

"Daughter, eh? Where were you the last time I saw the Doctor?" Riddell asked.

Elise yanked her hand out of his. "With my mother."

"So he was keeping you from me?"

Elise blushed furiously. "I am no man's property!"

Neffy smiled seeing the fire in Elise. Maybe the younger woman wasn't too bad after all.

The TARDIS took off again and a few seconds later, Amy, Rory, and an older man on a stepladder were standing in the TARDIS.

"Hello! You weren't busy, were you? Well, even if you were, it wasn't as interesting as this probably is. Didn't want you to miss it. Now, just a quick hop."

The TARDIS landed.

"Everybody grab a torch."

The man on the stepladder dropped the light bulb he was holding. Elise grabbed a torch and walked over to the older man. "I'm so sorry," she told him.

They were the last two out of the TARDIS.

"What the...?" he asked.

"Don't move!" the Doctor yelled. He spun around and walked towards Elise and the man. "Do you really think I'm that stupid I wouldn't notice? How did you get aboard, eh? Transmat? Who sent you?"

"Doctor. That's my dad," Rory told him.

"Well frankly, that's outrageous."


"You think you can just bring your dad along without asking? I'm not a taxi service, you know."

"You materialized around us!"

"Oh. Well, that's fine, then. My mistake. Hello, Brian. How are you?" The Doctor shook his hand. "Nice to meet you. Welcome, welcome. This is the gang. I've got a gang. Yes. Come on then, everyone."

Everyone followed after the Doctor, except Rory and Brian.

There was a persistent thudding noise echoing through the spaceship.

"All right, where are we?" Amy asked, "What is that noise and hello, ten months?"

"Well, I sense it's orbiting. More like pre-crashing. On a spaceship, don't know, and hello, Pond." The two of them hugged. "Ten months. Time flies. Never really understood that phrase. This is Neffy, this is Riddell. They're with me." The Doctor gestured to his two out-of-time companions.

"Charmed," Riddell said.

"With you? They're with you? Are they the new us? Is that why we haven't seen you?" Amy asked.

"No. They're just people. They're not Ponds. I thought we might need a new gang. Not really had a gang before. It's new," the Doctor told her.

At the end of the corridor there was a door with red lights on either side of it.

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