Chapter 17

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A/N - We've reached the end of the Ponds. Next up, is the Snowmen episode (which I am stoked to write). Big reveal in this chapter!

Amy joined them outside. "Okay, why did you lie?" she asked.

"Never let him see the damage," River told her.

Never let him see the damage.

Amy walked over to her and put her arm around her daughter's shoulder, while Elise wrapped her arm around River's. They made quiet the group. All three generations of one family. Daughter, mother, and grandmother.

River turned to look at Amy. "And never, ever let him see you age. He doesn't like endings."

The Doctor came running outside. "Got it. He's at a place called Winter Quay. The car, yes? Let's go."

The four of them got into the car. They pulled up to the apartment building.

"Why would they send him here? Why not zap him back in time, like they normally do?" River asked.

"We'll know that when we know what this place is," the Doctor said.

They got out and looked up at the building.

"Winter Quay," Amy pointed out.

They all ran inside and got inside the lift, except Elise.

"Elise, come on. We do not have time for this!" the Doctor yelled.

River put her hand out and Elise took it, stepping inside.

They rode up to the eighth floor and got out.

"Rory?" Amy asked.

"He's close," River told her.


They came to a door that was open.

"Rory!" Amy ran to him and hugged him.


River stopped walking.

There was an angel at the end of the corridor.

"Doctor, look at this. Why is it smiling?"

The Doctor looked over and saw "R. Williams" on a nameplate next to the door. "Amy. Rory!" the Doctor yelled, stepping into the apartment. He pulled River and Elise with him. "Get out of here! Don't look at anything. Don't touch..."

"Who's that?" Amy asked, spotting someone lying in the bed.

It was an old man. He reached out towards them. "Amy. Amy, please."

Amy approached him and took his hand in hers.

"Amy, please. Please."

"Rory?" Amy turned to look at the Rory standing with the Doctor, Elise, and River. "He's you."

The last word the old Rory said was Amy's name.

"Will someone please tell me what is going on?" Rory asked.

The Doctor turned to Rory. "I'm sorry, Rory, but you just died."

"Doctor, just tell us what's going on," Amy said.

"This place is policed by Angels. Every time you try to escape, you get zapped back in time."

"So this place belongs to the Angels? They built it?"

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