Chapter 47

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A/N - Oh my god. We've come to the final episode of this book! I'm both ready and not ready.

"Every ship I go on, they just shoot at me. Handles, I said, put me on a ship. I didn't say, put me on a Dalek ship. Don't put me on a Dalek ship when I'm holding a broken bit of Dalek!" the Doctor ranted. He hit the Cyberman head with the Dalek arm and it bounced off and hit him in the head. "Ow!"

Elise sat reading a book on the stairs.

"You could help, you know?" he snapped.

Elise ignored him. She'd been feeling sad lately, but she couldn't put her finger on it.

"You did not indicate a preference," Handles told the Doctor.

"Use your head." He picked it up and carried it around the control room. "It's not like you've got a lot of alternatives. They're all here. Daleks, Sontarans, Terileptils, Slitheen. And they're not even fighting, they're just parked. Why?"

"The message was received throughout the universe."

"Yes, yes, the message, the message. Even I can't translate it. I mean, why is everyone here if they don't understand it?"

"You're here."

"Well, you know, I'm OCD. What's their excuse? What does this message mean?"

The phone started ringing and the Doctor put Handles back on his stand. "Oh, no. And remind me I've got to patch the telephone back through the console unit. This is getting ridiculous."

"Thank you!" Elise said, "I don't know why you moved it in the first place."

"Attention. Information available," Handles said.

"Okay?" the Doctor said.

"You must patch the telephone device back through the console unit."

"No, no. No, no, no, no. No, not now. Remind me later."


"I don't know. Just later. Just pick a time."


"I don't know. Just any old time. When you think I've forgotten."


"Just pick a random number, express that number as a quantity of minutes, and when that time has elapsed, remind me to patch the telephone back through the console unit."


"How those Cyber-evenings must fly."

"You know, this would easier if you just let me do it," Elise told him.

"No, no."

"But you never let me work on the TARDIS!"

"I do too."

"You do not!"

The Doctor opened the door and grabbed the telephone. "Hello, the TARDIS. Ding dong. Okay, brilliant. I may be a bit rusty in some areas, but I will glance at a manual." The Doctor ran a hand through his hair.

He walked over to the console, phone in hand, and picked up Handles. "Oh, that was quick. It's a roller coaster this phone call. Well, I hope you're nicer to the next one. So? Yeah, I did that once and there's no easy way to get rid of an android. Yeah."

The scanner picked up a new spaceship entering the orbit of the planet.

"Handles, that's a new ship. Okay, we'll take the TARDIS this time. Sorry, missed that last bit. Got to dash." The Doctor hung up.

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