Chapter 20

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A/N - Wow. Chapter 20. I think this calls for a celebration of an extra chapter today!

They made it to the roof and through a small window, but Clara got stuck.

"Come on, quickly! What are you doing?" the Doctor asked her.

"My bustle is stuck."

"Your bustle?"

The Doctor and Elise tugged on her arms and she landed on top of the Doctor.

"You're going to have to take those clothes off." He blushed when he realized what he said.

"I didn't mean."

"I know."

"I just..."

"I understand, I do."


"Now, what's the plan?"

"Who said I've got a plan?"

"Course you've got a plan. You took that." Clara grabbed the umbrella.

"Maybe I'm an idiot."

The two of them stood up.

"You're not. You're clever. Really clever," Clara told him.

"Are you?" He tossed the umbrella to Clara. "If I've got a plan, what is it? You tell me."

"That's the way to do it!"

"Is this a test?"


"What will it do to us?"

"Kill us."

"That's the way to do it!"

The ice woman dissolved into snowflakes and started to reform on the roof.

"So, come on then. Plan. Do I have one?" the Doctor asked.

"Oh, I know what your plan is. I knew straight away." Clara tossed the umbrella back to the Doctor.

"No, you didn't."

"Course I did."

The Doctor tossed the umbrella back to her. "Show me."

"Why should I?"

Elise was starting to get impatient. Couldn't they focus for five minutes?

"Because we'll be dead in under thirty seconds. Do I have a plan?"

"If we'd been escaping, we'd be climbing down the building. If we'd been hiding, we'd be on the other side of the roof. But no, we're standing right here."


"So!" Clara pulled the TARDIS ladder down with the umbrella.

The Doctor smiled seeing her figure it out.

"After you," Clara told him.

"After you."

"After you, I'm wearing a dress. Eyes front, soldier!"

"My eyes are always front!" The Doctor started climbing the ladder.

"Mine aren't."

Elise rolled her eyes as the Doctor turned around to look at Clara. "Stop it."


Elise climbed up after her father, leaving Clara to head up the back.

They quickly reached the staircase.

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