Preference (male)

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Who said 'I love you' first

Harry: he did. He said it just incase he never got to see you again

Ron: you did. Ron can get a little confused and shy when it comes to love stuff but he's a real sweetheart

Fred: he did. According to him it "slipped out" but you both knew he meant it

George: he did. After everything you helped him through, he knew he loved you and he wasn't afraid to show it

Oliver Wood: you did. Wood does care about his reputation, and you know he loves you but he isn't exactly lovey dovey in public and he does get scared to make first moves

Percy: you did. Well Percy can have an ego and he's never really learnt to express his love so he never really plucked up the courage to tell you

Charlie: he did. Believe it or not Charlie Weasley is a very charming man and he loves spoiling you

Bill: he did. Bill and Charlie definetly are the charming ones in the family and Bill has never been shy or afraid to tell you he loves you

Draco: you did. Draco too has never learnt to express his feelings of love so he never made the first move. He was in shock however when you first said if but nonetheless happy and relieved he's finally found someone to truly love him for him

Blaise: he did. Blaise always said he loved you but it was always in a silly or teasing tone, never serious. But one day he said it without the joking tone and that's when u knew he really meant what he said all those previous times as well

Dean: he did. Dean has always made sure to take care of you and show you endless love so it's no suprise he said it first

Seamus: he did. Suprisingly eventhough he gets shy with these love stuff, he said it first. Though he did stutter a little when he first said it, which kinda made it cuter.

Sirius: you did. Have you seen the ego of Black, it's enormous. However he does have a soft spot for you. But that didn't stop him from teasing you about how much you love him, especially after you first said it.

Remus: he did. Remus is a big softie and an even bigger softie when it comes to you and he's very affectionate with you cause you can really make him feel safe.

James: he did. Although James is known for fooling around, he's very serious and careful with his love life. However the first time he said it he didn't mean to say it aloud. According to him he 'was thinking aloud'

Cedric: you did. Though Cedric may be known as the golden boy and a real gentleman, he's very shy when it comes to romantic stuff.

Neville: he did. Neville may be shy but he's always done his best to show you he loves you, even if it's in the smallest of ways. After all, you did help him with so many things like making friends.

Albus Severus: you did. Albus cherished your relationship but he took awhile to get the hang of it, so when you first said it he didn't know how to respond.

James Sirius: you did. James was known for his ego so it's no suprise you said it first. He smiled and kissed your forehead the first time you said it, indicating he felt the same.

Hugo: he did. Hugo is a huge sweetheart and he's always treated you nothing less then of a Queen

Scorpious: you did. Scorpious was always the one to be scared of making first moves.

Tom riddle: you did. Come on, this is Tom riddle we're talking about. He doesn't even know what love is. But he's always different around you and you even tease on how he smiles a little when you say it. It took him awhile to say it back but better late then never I suppose

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