One shot (Cedric)

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You and Cedric had been best friends since u met in first year. You guys were inseparable and some people even thought you two were dating, but that was never the case. You wouldn't mind tho.... Yes it's that classic story of how a girl has a crush on her best friend. Aka the guy who got chosen for the FRIGGIN TRI WIZARD TOURNAMENT. You literally slapped his arm so hard because you were that mad. Well he deserved it! PEOPLE DIE IN THIS TOURNAMENT WHAT WAS HE THINKING!

Cedric was known for his good looks and kind heart and there were a few girls who liked him but now, OHOHO THE WHOLE SCHOOL BE WORSHIPPING THE GROUND HE WALKED ON. Were you jealous? Maybe. You often got scared that someone would be his best friend rather than you. You didn't let it bother you much since you trusted Ced. I mean I'm sure nothing would change right? Right? •-•

You were walking in the hallways, while reading. It was pretty empty except a few students walking here and there. A lot of the students were in their classes but u had a free period so you thought you'll go down to the black lake. You weren't looking at where you were going and before you knew it, someone pulled you into an empty classroom.

You were going to scream but the person put their hand on your mouth. You squirmed out and they let you go. You were about to scream to him or her but before you could you saw it was none other than your best friend, Cedric Diggory. "What was that for?! And why are you here?" You said. "I'm sorry I just really needed to get a break from the girls." "What girls?" you ask feeling your heart beat a little faster. Yeah girl you were jealous alright. "The girls that follow me everywhere. That's the con of being the champion honestly"

You snort "Told you not to enter". He grins at you and gets his backpack. "Wanna go back to the common room?" "Oh I actually wanted to go down to the black lake" "Can I follow?" "Of course" you say and playfully punch him on the arm. He laughs and you guys walk out. You guys talked about various things and it felt good just having some alone time with him rather than him always being surrounded by every other person in the school.

"Hey, you know I overheard professor sprout talking about some ball that's coming up. In honour of the Tri-wizard tournament" This caught you by suprise, a b-ball?! You've never been to one. Oh no, what if no one asked you? What if Cedric goes with someone else? Blimey why a ball?? You weren't paying attention until Ced called you. "Y/N?? EARTH TO Y/NNNN" "huh wh-what, what did I miss?" He raised his eyebrows at you "you good?". "Yeah yeah I'm fine, what were u saying?"

"I said I needed to ask you smtg". Oh. Omg what if he's gonna ask you to help him ask someone to the ball. What if he's gonna ask for your opinion on who he should take as a date. You were panicking but u kept a straight face "what is it?". He looked over at you "Don't get weirded out ok?" You were panicking more and more by minute, but you remained calm and gave him a nod.

"Iwantedtoknowifyou'llliketocometotheballwithme" he said in a rushed tone. You raised an eyebrow and tilted your head a little "I'm sorry what? I didn't quite catch that" he takes a deep breathe "I wanted to know if you'll like to come to the ball with me" he says in a more moderate and calm tone. Your eyes went big like saucers. HOLD UP. THE, CEDRIC DIGGORY, WANTED TO GO WITH YOU?! "I-I. Holy macaroni, Ced did I hear you right?" He chuckles at your expression "Yes, I'm serious" "YES 100 TIMES YES" You hug him so tight you were suprised he was still alive and not suffering from suffocation. You blush realising what you just did and you clear your throat. "Um yeah, I would love to go with you Ced. Just please don't tell anyone that ever happened" you said as you felt your cheeks turn a dark shade of red. He smiles so bright that it looks like he could explode too. He checks his watch and tells you he's got class soon. "Well I got to go now, see ya later Y/N" he says and kisses your head while ruffling your hair a little. Oh my gosh. That just happened. HOLY MOLY. You lay on the grass and began smiling like an idiot, trying to use your book to cover your face that was growing more red by the second.

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