Preference (male)

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When he gets jealous

Harry: he gives you short responded and doesn't remain eye contact

Ron: he frowns and he gives one word responses

Fred: he acts more affectionate to you in front of the guy to show the dude that you're his. And only his.

George: he mumbles and often goes pranking someone with Fred and Lee

Oliver Wood: he'll go to the library to be away from you

Percy: he'll confront you about it and tells you how he feels

Charlie: He's very calm and often doesn't tell you or show it unless he's really not ok with it

Bill: He often just frowns but tries covering it with a smile

Draco: he often snaps at you but he regrets it later

Blaise: he'll glare at the guy and often lead u away from him

Dean: he'll clench his jaw and fists and ignore you

Seamus: he would go with his friends somewhere just to make sure he doesn't snap at you

Sirius: he'll flirt with other girls to make you jealous before regretting it because you get very hurt

Remus: he'll go to the library and read, burrying himself in work to distract his mind

James: how you are different from everybody

Cedric: he's calm about it but there is a sense of coldness in his voice when he talks to the guy

Neville: He's usually shy and doesn't talk to you about it and often keeps it to himself

Albus Severus: he'll often make excuses to meet you or pull you away from the guy

James Sirius: he'll usually ignore you or act more arrogant

Hugo: He'll go to Rise and ask her for advice before confronting you about it

Scorpious: he'll always rant about it saying it was annoying

Tom riddle: he'll confront the guy and threaten him which is enough to scare the dude half to death

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