One shot (Minerva x Lily) (part 2)

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She walked through the familiar hallways, which she used in all her years of school. She remembers the times on how everyone would fight to go to their classes. How laughs and shouts filled these hallways. But now it was empty, meaning everyone must be in their classes. She walked past some classes seeing some of her old teacher in it. Professor Flitwick had seen her and gave her a small wave before continuing with his class. Just being back in Hogwarts brought a smile to her face. Oh how she wished she could relive her school years.

Lily was taking the familiar route to Minerva's office. As she got closer and closer, she felt her chest get heavier and her intake of breathe became shorter. Soon, she was standing at the door of Minerva's office. She took a deep breathe (more like a gulp of air) and knocked on the door. Minerva opened the door and greater Lily with a bright smile, a smile which Lily felt could light up anyone's day. "Lily! So glad to see you again" "Professor, I've missed you!" Lily says proceeding to hug her. "Oh please darling, you can call me Minerva now. I don't even each you anymore" Lily smiles "Thank you".

They both enter the office. Lily sits herself down and Minerva is opposite her. Minerva then proceeds to start the conversation "How's the graduate life Lily?" "It's been good. I'm figuring out what I want to do and what I want my future to be like". Minerva gives Lily a small smile "That's good! Didn't you say you wanted to be an auror?" "Yes but I'm still figuring it out here and there. Not 100% sure yet you know" "How are you and James?" Minerva asks Lily. This catches Lily's full attention. "Oh there's nothing between us" with lily saying that, Minerva raised her eyebrow. "But I thought you two were dating?" She asked with an unsure tone. "Oh nonono, that was never the case. I've never liked him" Minerva smirks at this "so who do you like hmmmmmm" she asks with a playful tone.

Lily laughs, but it was more of a nervous laugh "no oneee" Minerva wasn't buying it "oh come one I'm sure you like someone" Lily started fidgeting in her seat. Ok this wasn't how she wanted to confess. OMGOMGOMG SOMEONE JUST BURY HER ALREADY. "Ummmm. Listen Minerva we need to talk" Minerva sat straight in her seat "what is it?" "Look, I know this sounds weird and I understand if you wouldn't want to talk to me anymore after this but, I like you. I mean like I love you. I know it's weird cause I mean I was your former student after all and this is just akward and-" before lily could even continue Minerva had put her hand on Lily's cheek. "Hey hey, it's ok" Lily was basically on the verge of crying but tried not to. Before she could take a moment to take in everything that happened, she felt Minerva's hand slip to the back of her neck and slowly drawing her head closer to hers. OMGOMGOMG IS MINEVRA TRYING TO KISS LILY???! Not that she mind but OH MY GOODNESS. Before she could even panic any further, their lips connected. Best. Day. Ever.

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