One shot (George)

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Story requested by: StarlightInHerEyes

You were walking down the halls alone. Like how you were all the time, you had no friends. No one likes you and you were always bullied. You see your dad was a Muggle murderer and a lot of people both from the Muggle and wizarding world knew that and they knew you were his daughter.

So you had no friends, you were a Muggle and you were bullied. Just as you were thinking about all this you accidentally bumped into someone. Malfoy. "Watch it you Filthy Mudblood!!" He shouted as Crabbe and Goyle helped him up while snickering. "You stupid idiot, you can't even see where you're going." As he said that you continued to lay on the floor with tears threatening to spill from your eyes. He saw this and took advantage of it.

"Awwww, does little Mudblood want to cry? How about you go to your daddy! Oh wait, you can't!!" With that the students walking in the hallway burst into laughter. You stood up and walked away, still holding the tears in. You walked to the Astronomy tower. When you arrived you slumped onto the ground, and began crying.

Maybe Malfoy was right, you were a stupid Mudblood who didn't belong. It hurt that you had no friends, you were in a world full of darkness with no light to guide you out of it. As you continued to cry, you heard footsteps. "Y/n, are you alright?" You nooded your head and attempted to hide your face as you must have looked terrible from crying so much.

You felt a hand gently tilt your head up. "You can't lie to me, ya know." It was George Weasley. You had a few classes with him. You guys had never talked but you admired him from afar. And when I say admired I mean have a full blown crush on him. "G-George? What are you doing h-here?" You question. "I saw what Malfoy said. You didn't actually believe what he said about you was true, did you?" You looked down, embarrassed as you did actually start to believe the words of Malfoy.

George saw this and pulled you closer. He hugged you and put your head on his shoulder. You just cried it all out, finally feeling the relief of having someone. He gently stroked your hair and allowed you to cry on him. "You're beautiful, please don't let people change that" he whispered to you. You look at him and got lost in those brown eyes and at that moment all your Gryffindor courage came and you pulled his tie as your lips connected. He was surprised but soon your lips were moving in sync.

You pulled apart, to see him smirking. "What?" You questioned. " Nothing, just glad I didn't have to be the first one to do it" he said which made you chuckle and with that he pulled you in and shared another kiss.

A/N: I hope you guys enjoyed that. I'm sorry if it wasn't so good. I'm still trying to get the hang of this. Also I forgot to tell you guys, I accept request but I don't write smut. So yeah, see you guys in the next story.

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