Preference (male)

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What you two do doing during the holidays

Harry: practice new spells together

Ron: play quidditch along with the rest of the Wesley's

Fred/George: but of course the most obvious, help with the pranks and items of the shop ;)

Oliver Wood: make game plans for the Gryffindor quidditch team

Percy: read books together and occasional cheesy pick up line competition

Charlie: learn about new magical creatures or have dragon flying competitions

Bill: cook and learn new recipes

Draco: have long talks and writing poems from time to time

Blaise: Teach him his homework, oh and you love playing with his hair😏

Dean: sit by the black lake on most days, while he plays the guitar (imagine he does lol)

Seamus: Do homework together and work on some potions

Sirius: pull pranks on your friends together :p

Remus: you two love writing stories together and sharing ideas

James: Transforming into your animagus's and sneak out at night to talk walks in the enchanted forest

Cedric: learning new things like your patronus's

Neville: doing homework and spending hours in the library

Albus Severus: spending days just talking and walking around the school together

James Sirius: practicing quidditch quite often with the Gryffindor quidditch team

Hugo: sitting in the common room while snuggled in blankets.

Scorpious: telling each others stories of your childhood and pulling pranks on some people

Tom riddle: reading various books on different spells

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