Preference (male)

2.9K 31 91

What he loves about you

Harry: your eyes

Ron: your hardworking behaviour

Fred: your sense of humour

George: your shy behaviour

Oliver Wood: your laugh

Percy: how you stand up for what's right

Charlie: your love for all magical creatures

Bill: your book worm personality

Draco: your sarcasm

Blaise: your smirk

Dean: your caring heart

Seamus: how you help him in like every class

Sirius: your fierce personality

Remus: your eagerness for perfection

James: how you are different from everybody

Cedric: your passion for everything you love

Neville: your love for everyone

Albus Severus: your courage

James Sirius: your focus while playing Quidditch

Hugo: your introvert attitude

Scorpious: your witty personality

Tom riddle: your courage

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