One shot (Tom riddle)

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You and Tom used to be best friends. You were a Slytherin as well but you were never the stereotypical Slytherin, you were quite the opposite. You were kind and gentle and you help everyone who was around you and the school knew you for your kind heart. But you were also one with ambition and no fear and even if you did have fear, it was never shown. And that's the reason why you got put into Slytherin. Many guys fell for you because of your sweet yet fierce personality, but you never paid attention to them.

Tom, or as you refer to him now as Riddle, was once your best friend. There was once a time you guys did everything together. The whole school feared Tom, even his own friends did, all except you. You always tried making Tom go back on the right path and there was a time, where it seemed to be working. But as soon as you thought there was a chance, Tom left you. He's never spoke to you again and he treated you like every other person he came across. He payed no attention to you and never cared about what you did anymore, or so you thought.

You thought that Tom stopped being friends with you because you were always getting between him and his power, and you weren't wrong there. But you weren't completely right either. Tom hated you. He hated you with every cell in his body. He hated you so much that words couldn't describe it. He hated you, because he loved you. He hated how his chest would get heavy and his breathing would be short everytime you were around him. He hated when his stomach would tie into knots and he hated that his legs always felt like they were gonna give way. He hated that you made him feel love. An emotion where he thought was for the weak. Love never conquered anything. Love is meant for the weak, power is for the strong, and that's what he convinced himself to think.

He stopped being friends with you so he wouldn't need to face all those stupid love things but it never worked. Every time he saw you, the same things would happen, and in fact it got worse. His head would spin and his heart would break seeing you laugh with your friends. He lost the one good thing he had. You. You were the only person to drive him away from his madness. You were the only one who has ever stood up to him and for him. You were the only one who made him feel something he thought he lost a long time ago, happiness. He tried getting rid of love and in the process, he got rid of his happiness too. But he thought that power would bring him happiness, but why wasn't it working?

You felt the same way. You tried tearing yourself away from the love you felt for him, but it never worked. Your stomach still got butterflies like mad every time you saw him. Tom was no doubt the most attractive guy you've ever met. And there was no doubt about it. That's why practically all the girls fell for him. His messy black hair that always hung in front and knowing Tom he never really cared about grooming his hair. His tall and well built body along with his sharp features. His sharp jaw and that smirk that always seemed to be on his face. You sighed, you were just another one of those dumb girls that feel for Tom Marvolo Riddle.

You were in the library doing some studying for your upcoming mid terms. You were at the back where there wasn't anyone and where even if you scream, Madam Pince wouldn't be able to hear you. It was quiet and peaceful, exactly what you needed to focus. You were writing down notes when you heard a voice, an all too familiar one "Well well, if it isn't L/N". The person could not be seen because he was hidden in the dark and you could only see the bottom half of his body. He was leaning against one of the book shelves and you didn't even need to look at his face to known that there would already be a smirk playing on his face. "What is it, Riddle"

He chuckle and slowly came into the light. Your stomach was doing flips and your heart was pounding in your chest, but you showed no expression of it. Tom had gotten more handsome, if that was even more possible. He looked like he had been working out. His jawline was sharp and the corner of his lips turned into a smirk. You always had a thing for guys with messy hair and smirks. And Tom definetly matched that category.

"Riddle ay? What happened to Tom?" he questioned you. "I could ask you the same about our friendship, Riddle" you said glaring at him. You really didn't need this right now, you were trying to study, was that too much to ask for? Apparently it was since Tom Marvolo friggin Riddle had to walk in and disturb your peaceful moment.

The smirk on his lips grew and he walked closer to you "well your fiesty attitude certainly hasn't changed" you were getting annoyed. "What do you want Riddle?? I'm trying to study. And besides, when do you care about what I do and all. You stopped caring a long time ago and I see no reason for you to care now." With you saying that he could sense the anger and dissapointed laced in your tone. He couldn't tell you he loved you because he didn't love you.

Oh who was he kidding his stomach was still in knots and his breathing was starting to get out of control, AGAIN. He scowled at you "it's none of your business to know" he said with a slight shaky breathe which he tried to hide. You were best friends with Tom for a long time and if it's one thing you knew, it was when he was nervous. Because he hardly ever is and when he is, you could tell.

You decided to turn tables a little and take this chance to mess with him. A smirk grew on your lips and you slowly walked over to him, "nervous ay Riddle" "nonsense L/N" "oh really?" You said now standing in front of him. "So tell me Riddle, why exactly did you stop our friendship?" You said a little flirtatiously and with confidence. You could see Tom losing it and it gave you pure pleasure.

"I said, none of your business L/N. Now don't stand so close unless you want me to hurt you." He said trying to sound stern but deep down he was really losing it with himself. You chuckle at this "You, hurt me? Oh Tom" you said while breaking for awhile, looking into his eyes and letting the smirk stay on your lips. "I'll like to see you try" you said. And that was when Tom finally lost it.

He pulled your tie, smashing his lips onto yours. You were taken aback but nonetheless, happy. You had never seen this side of Tom and it was truly something...different. Even Tom didn't know what was happening to him. All he knew is that lust took over him. And he didn't mind.

A/N: HEY Y'ALL. Omg this is by far my favourite chapter. And the longest. I feel there aren't enough Tom Riddle stories. I mean come on we gotta admit, TOM IS A FRIGGIN HOTTIE. You can't change my mind. Also thanks for reading this and I'll be updating soon, see ya!

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