One shot (Oliver)

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You were on your broom zooming in the sky with the quaffle in your hand. You we're nearing the hoops and your heart was beating faster, yes it was only a practice but this is Oliver Wood you have to get pass. Oliver! He's an amazing keeper for goodness sake. You were coming really close and it was time to shoot. You used all your strength and by your luck it passed! You scored!

"Great job Y/N!" your boyfriend shouted. "Thanks Wood" you replied. Yes, Oliver was your boyfriend. You guys have been dating for about 6 months now and the whole Gryffindor team supports your relationship and ship you guys, which you really appreciated.

You guys play a few more rounds before everyone starts complaining they're tired. "Oi, Wood. Give us a break will yeah?" Fred began. "Yeah, were tired" George finished as he slumped onto his broom. "Not yet, 20 more minutes" Oliver replies which makes the whole group groan. You fly to him "Oliver come on, give them a break." "Not yet, Y/N. Our match is in three days!" You turn his head to face the team "Come one love, look at how tired they are. They need their rest." He sighs and agrees to let them go.

The team cheers and immediately flew down to keep their equipment. You laugh as the Weasley twin start cheering and singing. You turn to Oliver noticing the worried look on his face. "Ollie, we're gonna do just fine" you said attempting to calm him down. He smiles that gorgeous lopsided smile at you "I know". You brush a piece of his hair out of his face. "Come one we better get going too" you told him. "Yeah let's go" and with that you both flew down.

A/N: hey guys, hope you enjoyed. This is my first one shot so sorry if it's bad. Comment what u think and DM me if you want requests!!

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