Chapter 18 ~ Biding Time

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Chapter 18: Biding Time

Sat in just my tunic on a cold wooden bench, I watched the deft fingers of the female across from me. The needle moved in and out of leather at a pace that was impressive, far too fast for me to learn.

Katrin, another friend Fenna had often spoken of. She was a mother of two: a female of about nine, named Tordis, and a pup the same age as Basjan, named Ásdís. She looked too young to be a mother already, but with slow aging it was sometimes hard to gauge a wolf’s age; after all, my own mother didn’t look old enough to have a daughter in her twenties.

“You just have to keep the stitches straight. Once we turn them inside out, they shouldn’t be visible,” Katrin chirped, stroking her fingers along the thread. Brown hair was pulled away from her face and into a braid that hung down her back and kind brown eyes flicked up to me as she finished.

I leaned over, running my fingers over the leather. She was right, the stitches weren’t visible at all. “Thank you. I swear I'll pick it up eventually.”

“It’s alright.” She chuckled. “My Tordis doesn’t have the patience either. She’d run around naked if I let her. It wold probably be easier, I’m always mending hols and tears in her clothes but she’s great with Ásdís, so I don’t mind having to fix her clothes.”

A reminder that few things were done for free here. With no money, trade was the way things were done.

“Is there something I can do for you?” I asked. Even with the little skills I had to offer in return, I wouldn’t accept any help without offering my own in return.

She hummed, tapping her chin as she studied me. “I’ll come up with something. For now, you owe me a favour.”

I was okay with that. Standing up, I tugged my leggings back on and smiled at the fit. She’d done an amazing job. Leaving Katrin to get back to her work, I headed out of the hall with a spring in my step. While I was technically meant to be resting after another round with Signy that left a long slice down my leg yet again, I found myself thinking of something to do anyway. There were still chores that needed done, even if I’d finished my own this morning and I felt well enough to help. I wanted to help. The pack were becoming wolves I trusted and admired, I was getting into the swing of things now.

Most of the injuries left behind by Jakkon had healed and I did my best not to get into fights. For now. This surprised everyone, but I think Fenna knew what I was up to. I’d been given the right to claw my way up the hierarchy but I didn’t make a move to. The pups had submitted without any prompting, but I stuck to my place with Gisli now. I think she secretly enjoyed having me by her side, another fully grown wolf amongst her rabble of pups.  

I was biding my time. Waiting until I could face who I really wanted to. If I was going to climb up, I was going to make it a fight to be remembered. For now, I had to watch and pick out my prey carefully.

Grinning to myself, I skipped down the stairs and looked around until I spotted Gisli cleaning clothes by the river with a gaggle of pups running around behind her. She was still quiet with me and hardly ever looked me in the eye, but spoke to me now so hopefully that meant she was getting used to my presence. I wanted to be her friend. Gods knew I didn’t have anyone else here really.

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