Chapter 37 ~ Grudges

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Chapter 37: Grudges

Soaking in a warm bath while steam billowed around the white tiled bathroom, my head rested against the edge of the tub while Ebbe did his best to clean me as carefully as he could. It didn’t matter how light-handed he proved to be, even the gentle lap of lavender scented water over small cuts sent sharp shooting pains through my limbs.

I did my best not to react, because when I did, he would grumble and curse in the tongue of The Norse Pack with guilt creasing his features. He hadn’t even made an attempt to wash me last night. I’d passed out as soon as he lay me on the bed and woke only briefly to eat and do my best to listen when my Alpha returned to fill me in on what had been said during his meeting with Braden.

How my father had managed to walk around last night was beyond me. Two challenges in one week and somehow he still remained on top. At least he didn’t mock me for my failed challenge; we both knew I wasn’t going to win, but I’d hoped to do a little better than I had. Or at least not be completely useless to the world after losing.

An unhappy rumble passed my lips and Ebbe cringed, removing his touch from me completely.

“It wasn’t you, don’t worry. I’m just thinking,” I assured him, giving him a strained smile.

He chuckled, eyeing the bathwater that was turning an unsavoury pink. “Are you sure?”

I hummed in reply, peeling my eyes open to focus on him. Lines around electric blues betrayed anxiety, so I moved a stiff arm over to place my hand on his, rubbing my thumb over his knuckles.

“Being battered might work to my advantage; maybe Alpha Tomàs will think I’ve been punished already,” I joked.

“Doubtful,” Ebbe drawled, turning his hand to thread his finger through mine. “With your father covered in brand new bruises and cuts as well, it won’t be difficult to figure out what happened.”

But that might work to my advantage too. Maybe the old male would think twice about whatever plans he was concocting after seeing that I’d challenged my father and came out with all my limbs. And I'd left marks of my own.

Relaxing back into the water, Ebbe released my hand to finish cleaning me. He lifted my leg slowly, giving me an apologetic look as I hissed. A dull ache had settled into my bones, one that would hopefully ease off enough with the help of ibuprofen and Paracetamol so I could stand tall in front of my pack and the council. I’d have to stand with Braden too. My nose scrunched. I’d need to hide my dislike of the male as much as possible if the council were to believe the challenge was all a huge misunderstanding, and that Braden was now a guest here to learn from us.

By all the gods, if I caught so much as a whiff of recognition in his eyes when Tomàs arrived, nobody would be able to hold me back from tearing him apart. Guest or not.

“I want you next to me today, is that okay? I know you hate politics so if you’d rather not, I understand. Especially as the council will no doubt have questions about you, Bjarke and Freydis.”

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