Chapter 10 ~ Apologies and Agreements

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Chapter 10: Apologies and Agreements

Standing nervously in front of the office door, I listened to the murmur of voices inside. As soon as our group had returned from hunting mice and squirrels, Oria had told me I was wanted by my parents. Fenna had given me a nod of encouragement but didn't tell me if she and Mum had managed to get my father and Alpha to agree to our plan.

Knocking before I could change my mind, I opened the door and stepped inside. Dad was sat behind his desk, every line of his body straight and confident, so much the Alpha. Mum sat in front of him next to an empty chair left for me but I hesitated before taking it.

"Alphas," I murmured as I sat, my hands clenching the armrests as I forced myself to meet green eyes. Power and determination swirled in their depths.

"Raeghan," he greeted, clasping his hands together. "How did you enjoy council?"

Glancing at Mum, I decided it was best to play along for now. "It was eye-opening. I learnt a lot."

"You spoke with Gordon."

I sighed and braced myself before nodding. "Yes. He explained that he would like to take me for a mate, I refused. While he admitted he will ask again, he also promised to back my claim to the pack."

Respect shone in my father's eyes, a slight twitch of his lips giving away that he was impressed. I straightened up at that, but he had to ruin the moment.

"He's a good male."


"He would complement you well-"

"It's alright that you got mum handed to you on a silver platter but I will not have the same happen to me," I snapped. "I don't want to take a mate, especially one that might require me to leave my pack. Is that why you allowed me to go, Alpha? To parade me around the heirs and Alphas at council in the hopes I might take a liking to one that's yet to take a mate? It would be easier for you if I took a mate."

Mum's mouth fell open as she stared at me, a shocked gasp leaving her lips. "Raeghan!"

"What other reason could he have!" Folding my arms, I took a deep breath in an effort to calm the wolf raging inside. I shouldn't have spoken to him like that but frustration had been building for weeks now and this had set me to implode.

"That's not why I let you go, Raeghan, and how dare you speak about me and your mother like that. You need to learn a little respect, you are not Alpha yet. I am." He paused, staring me down until my head tipped to the side to show him my neck. Taking a deep breath, he rubbed the bridge of his nose before continuing, "I let you go because I knew you wanted to, and it was a chance for you to get to know how the council works. It was chance for you to see what you're up against."

I accepted the scolding in silence, nodding along to what he said. Yet. He'd said I wasn't Alpha yet.

"I'm sorry if it didn't turn out how you thought it would, but I'm glad you got to see what stands before you."

"You think I don't understand but I do. I see what the future could hold if I stay on this path. The way they spoke about me. . .about you." I shook my head then lifted my gaze to his. "It hasn't made me change my mind but I've gone as far as I can go here. I'm getting no further with Weylin, I feel frozen. Frustrated. Like I'm going to implode. A change of scenery feels right now."

He sighed and leaned back, his expression softening slightly. "You should go, Raeghan. I think it's a good idea for you to get away for a while. Learn from Alpha Jakkon and Alpha Female Signy, things that I can't teach you here, it can only make you a better wolf. You'll get to see and experience more, maybe find something else you want to reach for in life."

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