Chapter 34 ~ Past Mistakes

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Chapter 34: Past Mistakes

I slammed the phone back in the cradle and nearly tripped over the leg of the chair in my haste to get up. Darting out the room and down the hall, I grabbed the banister to launch myself around the corner and up the stairs. I knocked briefly on my parents’ bedroom door before letting myself in then immediately wished I hadn’t.

Covering my eyes, I made a gagging noise at the sight of my mother straddling my father.

At least they were both fully clothed.

“That’s why, after you knock, you wait for the customary ‘come in’, Raeghan,” Dad teased.

“I won’t forget again,” I grumbled, waiting until the sound of rustling had ceased before daring to uncover my eyes.

Rosy cheeked and smiling, my mother appeared more herself today. Colour had returned to my dad’s face too, although that could have been because of the compromising position I found them in.

“I have something to tell you-“

“About the male downstairs?” Mum asked, a crease appearing between her brows. “I’ve heard rumour around the pack that he told you his name.”

I cringed internally. “Ah yeah, he did. I’m sorry, a lot happened yesterday and I never got the chance to tell you.”

“Yes. We heard you and Ebbe giggling on your way to bed as late as the witching hour last night.”

Oh dear gods.

I could have died right there. My face caught fire as my dad smirked at me and chuckled. Ebbe and I could have been a little more inconspicuous last night but disturbing the house had been the last thing on my mind as we headed to my room, picking bits of twigs and leaves from our hair.

Patting the bed, Dad ushered me in and I tried not to slouch as I trudged forward and climbed onto the bed to sit cross legged facing my Alpha pair.

“So I have two pieces of news to share with you,” I began, glancing between them both.

“Start with the male downstairs,” Dad advised, his hand sliding across the duvet to clasp Mum’s. She held on to him so tight her knuckles went white and I made note to demand they give me some answers too. Mum knew more than she was letting on, and she never kept secrets from Dad. That surely meant he knew too.

Rubbing my knees, I nodded to myself and prepared for my first debriefing, however informal it was. “He hasn’t said much, but he did tell me his name is Braden. No last name yet.”

She did her best, I’d give my Alpha Female that. Her expression barely wavered. But it was the look dad cast her way that made me watch her more closely.

“There’s more. I think he might have human lineage. I know it’s rare, and with Sam being half human, I nearly brushed the idea away at first because she can’t shift to fur like Braden can.”

Unfortunately, it was becoming ever more important to keep the supernatural world at bay from humans, especially now their advanced weapons meant whatever physical advantages we had over them meant very little. Even the few human friends I had were never allowed to come here. While not against any law, there were problems in taking human mates; and Braden was possibly dangerous proof of just why.

“You’re certain?” Mum asked quietly.

I nodded slowly, trying to appear more confident in myself. “It would make sense. He doesn’t seem to know much about Wulvers at all. He has no understanding about the concept of mate’s, bonding, or marking. I’m not sure he completely understands our hierarchy, or culture either. He referred to us as Werewolves, and I don’t think he was making a joke.

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