Chapter 15 ~ Far From Home

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I'm still recovering so I'm sorry if there's any mistakes

I'm going to post a special prologue for this story in my Facebook Group soon so make sure to join up and keep an eye out!

Chapter 15: Far From Home

I was already awake when Ebbe swung open the door to my temporary den the next morning. Scowl in place, there was no sign of the playful wolf who'd enjoyed our game of who could get to the most traps yesterday. His eyes raked over me as I hauled myself to my feet. There was a lingering ache from running nonstop the last few days but it wasn't anything worse than I was used to.

Already dressed, hair scraped back, face washed, I was ready for whatever orders he had to throw my way.

"We're on breakfast duty," he grumbled.

"Does that mean I can sneak some of the good stuff before I'm left with scraps?" I teased, wanting to see his smile. Or what passed for a smile when it came to Ebbe. He only stared at me blankly before leaving quickly out the door.

I huffed and followed him.

Someone was in a bad mood. Again. And I couldn't be bothered fighting him to tell me what was wrong so I trailed behind him, taking a deep breath of fresh morning air as my feet sunk into damp grass. Birds chirped happily in the trees that surrounded us and I wondered just how early it had to be for the whole settlement to be empty.

"All you have to do is stir the pot. I'll sort the rest," Ebbe said as he knelt by an array of food and fruits of every variety, some of which I was sure couldn't be grown here. Vegetables from the vegi patch I'd seen a few wolves tending to yesterday, oats, meats, breads...the pack had to have contacts with farmers or shops. I'd definitely not seen any pigs around to provide the bacon Ebbe was cooking while I stirred a pot of what smelt and looked like thick porridge.

Sitting next to him, I grabbed the wooden spoon and dutifully began to solely stir. It was hard to seem properly awake when I was given something so menial to do. Running was what I usually did in the morning
Yawning loudly, I finally caught a glimpse of Ebbe's smile.


"Nothing." He smirked. "But if you're tired now, you're not going to last the week."

It was my turn to scowl. "I'm sure I'll manage but thank you for your encouragement."

He chuckled, shaking his head as he returned his attention to cooking. We remained silent for the rest of the morning, thought it wasn't awkward. Ebbe seemed to be deep in thought about something and I knew better than to ask.

The pack woke up slowly, sleepy parents trying to keep excitable pups quiet and still until breakfast was ready. It was frustrating watching others take what Ebbe and I had made while we had to wait, my job being to dish out the porridge into bowls and plates held out to me with no thanks offered. At least Fenna gave me a wink when she took her food, and Orin had smirked at my scowl.

My stomach was growling loudly, hunger pangs leaving me shifting on my knees. I moved quickly when it was finally my turn but Ebbe was making sure to take his sweet time. Swallowing a growl because I wasn't allowed to rush him, I settled for muttering under my breath. Then I was left surprised when he didn't take the last bit of bacon. My eyes flew up to his face but he turned away and took his spot to eat on the outskirts.
Snatching the bacon, some fruit, and bread, I took my place next to him.

"You didn't have to do that," I murmured.

All he gave me in answer was a shrug, as if he had no idea what I was talking about. I smiled anyway, nudging my shoulder against his before my gaze wandered over the pack. To learn, I needed to watch. I knew some were talking about me but I didn't care too much. Like Wulf had said yesterday, new faces meant gossip. At least I was leaving my mark here, or I would before I left. I'd give them something to talk about that would be to my advantage.

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