Chapter 8 ~ Proposals

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Chapter 8: Proposals

By the time Mum and I had gotten back to our room, it was far too late to bring up what Gordon had revealed. And by the time I woke up, I was in a rush to get washed and dressed so we weren't late for the meeting.

I swore as makeup powder spilt onto the maroon blouse I wore that no amount of wiping could get rid of. Mum chuckled from where she waited by the door with a cup of coffee between her hands.

"Slow down. We won't be late now, you can relax. I've never seen you shower so quickly." Amusement coated her tone but my nerves were still frayed. This was my first meeting, didn't she understand that? I didn't know how to act, or even what my place was. I didn’t want to make any mistakes that could cost me or the pack.

"I want to make a good impression, that's all," I replied.

Straightening up, I chucked my makeup bag back by my open suitcase and scraped my hair up into a bun. The summer sun was out this morning and already the heat was sweltering. Checking myself once more in the mirror, I slipped back into uncomfortable heels, wishing Mum had warned me these gatherings were apparently also a fashion show.

"There's more on your mind than just the meeting isn't there?"

I couldn't meet my Mum's gaze. She had the uncanny ability to make me spill my guts sometimes and it was on the tip of my tongue to tell her. "It's not important right now, but when we get back, can we talk?"

"Of course, my pup," she crooned, sweeping over to cup my cheek. She smirked at the look on my face that begged her to stop treating me like I was a toddler. "Drink your coffee, you'll need it. These males can be tiresome."

A small quirk of my lips betrayed me. I accepted the coffee and gulped it down despite the fact it burnt my tongue. Mum grabbed her notepad and pen, shoving them into her handbag before giving me a once over.

"You'll certainly make a good impression. Be yourself, speak up if you want to, but you might find it all rather boring. Maybe I should have waited to invite you. . ." She tapped her chin then shook her head and smiled. "Do make sure your phone is on silent."

I chuckled and grabbed my phone off the bedside table. I hadn't looked at it since last night and smiled at the messages that filled up the screen. One from Siannon reminding me to 'be badass', another from Siannon's number but signed from Fenna that simply wished me good luck. There was even one from Dad and I skimmed over what it said, my smile widening a little more.

Don't let anyone walk over you today, stand behind your mother.
My smile faltered a little when I remembered that he'd been keeping things from me. Then again, considering my reaction right now, was it any wonder they thought it best not to tell me?

Taking a deep breath, I switched my phone off completely and shoved it into my own handbag; a tattered little thing I'd had since I was sixteen but loved too much to get rid off.

Following Mum out the door, we had to climb more stairs to get the floor that held rooms used for all manner of meetings.

"Typical," Mum muttered as she looked around the empty room. "Why females are the ones with the stereotype for always being late, I'll never know."

I smirked as I followed her to the top of the table, trailing my fingers over the smooth mahogany wood. Blinds covered the massive windows that spanned across the wall opposite the door, and paintings that looked like something Maebh would create were hung up. Gods. It even smelt expensive in here.

The click of the door opening again had me scampering quickly back to Mum's side. I took my place behind where she sat, folding my arms and widening my stance so whoever came in wouldn't be able to tell I'd gotten a fright.

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